Can I consolidate my signature loan.
Date: Tue, 10/25/2005 - 18:07
Can I consolidate my signature loan.
DimLast time I checked, a signature loan is used for a speci
Last time I checked, a signature loan is used for a specific purpose. If you bought a car with this, and could run the risk of getting your car repossed.
You could possibly refinance the loan, but consolidating it would be basically be the same thing (making monthly payments). In the event you find a company who will consolidate it, you could run the risk of making higher payments, than your already low $80/month.
I would recommend sticking with your current payment plan.
Dim, Signature student loan is a kind of alternative student
Signature student loan is a kind of alternative student loans provided by private lenders. Sometimes it requires co-signer also.
Since alternative and private student loans are consolidated, you can also consolidate your signature loan. But you are already under a payment plan, I think. And monthly installment is also low. So try to stick to your present payment plan, as Mike has said.
For any more information, please feel free to ask in the forums.