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Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 09:14
Posts: 4583

I'm feeling SO good today! As many of you know, I purchased a home over 2 years ago, and due to my own lack of education about the homebuying process, and the lack of morals & ethics on the part of my mortgage broker, I got royally screwed over.

All the bad things you see in the news about this mortgage crisis happened to me - the shady mortgage broker, the 'flipped' house that was purchased low and sold much higher with only minimal repairs made, the inflated appraisal of the house, the falsified documents to the mortgage lender (falsified by the broker), the lies by the broker that all my taxes & insurance would be included in the payment (they weren't), that my payment would be a certain amount at a certain percentage rate (it wasn't - it was MUCH higher), and the loan was an ARM with a baloon - you name it, it happened in my case.

Well, to make a very long story short, I made a phone call on a whim today, just to see what I could find out. I called the mortgage broker's old office phone number, and got a different mortgage company. I asked them if they knew what had happened to my mortgage broker and the company she worked for....

wait for it....

they're being investigated by both the Michigan State Police and the FBI!!


I'm going to make some phone calls this week and see if I can give my information to anyone, in the hopes that it will help this case. I'm NOT a vindictive person, but I want to see this broker and all those who enabled her to go DOWN! I'm so excited to see that someone is actually going to hold these people accountable for their actions!!

(if you're wondering why this is posted in the bankruptcy's because this whole situation with the home purchase forced me into Chapter 13 in an attempt to save the house...and then I ended up surrendering it anyway, when it became clear that I wasn't going to be able to afford the mortgage, even AFTER I emerged from the Chapter 13 plan! So this whole thing has left me pretty bitter towards the mortgage broker & her company....)

Thanks everyone! Ya know, I really don't care if it ends up in a lawsuit where I get money back in my hands (though I sure wouldn't turn it down!)...I just want the satisfaction of seeing these people held accountable for their actions, which were at the very least, unethical, and at the most, criminal.

I take full responsibility for being an uneducated homebuyer, but they took full advantage of that fact and basically ran me over. It's a mistake I don't intend to make twice in my lifetime.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 21:51


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Oh so sorry to hear of that Sue! I never knew about that whole situation.

She may be investigated and go to jail; that may give you some solice. I hate to be a downer, but the chances of her having enough assets to pay back everyone that she duped is slim.

I was at a seminar a while back and we were discussing asset protection. The attorney presenting gave an example of a couple that had a marketing company and they conned their investors out of over $20 Million dollars. The FTC got involved, but all the money was protected in offshore accounts on Cook Island. The FTC ordered them to bring the money back to the US, and when they refused they got 6 months in jail. Meanwhile, the FTC couldn't touch those offshore bank accounts; the FTC even setup a foreign corporation on Cook Island called FTC Inc., and tried to sue for the money in that jurisdiction. But turns out the SOL on the island was only 2 years and so they lost the case. The couple ended up settling with the FTC for $100K ... they got to keep the rest.

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 05:01


( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

Thanks! I learned quite a bit during that brief phone call - there were SEVERAL violations on the part of the mortgage broker & loan processors, and at least one on the part of the real estate agent (who was also the seller of the house). While the real estate agent's actions may not have been criminal, they were at the very least shady and unethical. He told me when I tried to back out of the deal that if I did, he, as the seller, could sue me because I had signed a purchase agreement. I was too ignorant of the whole process to know otherwise (I do NOW, of course) - the only thing I would have lost if he took action against me in court would have been my 'earnest money' - which was only $50. I would have gladly forfeited my $50 earnest money to have avoided this very expensive lesson. At a quick glance, this has cost me over $5,000 already, and that's only in attorney's fees. Not to mention the emotional toll it has taken on me and the major hit to my credit rating, which wasn't great to begin with.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 13:47


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Very unscrupulous! Even if the actions were not criminal, hopefully they will at least lose their licenses! In my state, a mortgage broker also has to have a real estate license, but that may not be true in every state.

It seems to be an unfortunate fact of life that we always seem to learn lessons best through personal experience! I do hope that you at least have the satisfaction of seeing them pay the price for their shady dealings!

Submitted by alias1958 on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 13:58


( Posts: 1230 | Credits: )

I'm happy for you. Same thing happened to me!!! I think their the ones to blame for the recession and why are enocomy has gone BAD. I'm from california and you wouldn't believe how many homes are either forclosed or on a short sale. I use to blame myself for my lack of education in the buying process but these DAMN con artist and greedy ass people have no idea or give a damn on whose lives they've destroy. Ethically their suppose to be honest but their NOT. My credit as of now is totally ruined...its gotten me behind on all my payments. Only God knows for how long but I'm like don't even know what to do at this point. I don't want to have to file for bunkruptcy but who knows! All this crap about debt solutions or debt settlement...I'm just now learing the differences and the non profit and so on...its just so damn overwelming. When I came across your post that's really GOOD TO HEAR...they can run but they can't hide huh? can all kiss my AND wether they get caught or not...somehow somewhere down their lousy looser lives...they'll pay for it! I'm not vindictive myself but WE deserve JUSTICE and they know damn well what they did and deserve to live in the slammer.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/24/2008 - 02:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Oh my God! I'm glad to heare that Police and FBI is taking action and I hope that person is seeing metal curtins from the inside! I hope for you that you can maybe work things out to keep the house or at least get in the end your money back, either or but justice is proabably that what makes you feel better after all.
I wish you the best and keep us posted!

Submitted by schnuckibearsmum on Tue, 06/24/2008 - 12:37


( Posts: 34 | Credits: )

thanks, schnucki -

actually, I've been out of the house since January. I made the tough decision to surrender the property when it became VERY apparent that I would be unable to refinance (due to the lenders tightening their requirements during the mortgage crisis) and that once I emerged from Chapter 13, I would end up right back where I started - with a mortgage I couldn't afford, due to the adjustable rate w/balloon. I couldn't win no matter what I did, so I decided to surrender the property.

I still want to see justice done, however - these people made a huge amount of money by taking advantage of low-income homebuyers who didn't know enough about the homebuying process to protect themselves. Again, I take responsibility for my own ignorance of the homebuying process, but they saw me coming and took advantage of it.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Tue, 06/24/2008 - 14:11


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )


He told me when I tried to back out of the deal that if I did, he, as the seller, could sue me because I had signed a purchase agreement. I was too ignorant of the whole process to know otherwise (I do NOW, of course) - the only thing I would have lost if he took action against me in court would have been my 'earnest money' - which was only $50.

The funny thing about a seller sueing a buyer for breach of contract is not only would they only win the earnest money but it will tie the house up for months in court which means they can't sell it to the next guy i.e it will cost the seller a ton in lost time and money and cost the buyer nothing but the earnest money. Basically a buyer can back out for any reason and at worst it only cost the earnest money. Sometimes the buyer even gets that back. I don't think you will find to many cases where a seller sues.

Submitted by DOLLARSandSINCE on Mon, 07/07/2008 - 13:07


( Posts: 1078 | Credits: )

Just an update on this situation...

I found out the broker that handled my mortgage and was driven out of business by an FBI investigation is now working in...of all modification!

OMG. :shock: :evil:

Apparently the FBI hasn't gotten to her yet. I can only hope they do - and soon.

The real estate agent "got his" about a year ago - his house - his grand, high-on-a-hill-with-a-pool-and-a-golf-course-view house...was in the paper with the rest of the foreclosures. I wish I could have gotten a copy of the foreclosure notice. I would have framed it with the word 'JUSTICE!' written across it in big red letters and sent it to him.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Wed, 04/22/2009 - 17:02


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )