Any ideas for legit ways to earn more money?
Date: Wed, 06/18/2008 - 06:09
Any ideas for legit ways to earn more money?
Anyway, in order to pay everything I need about $338 in the next two and a half weeks. It would be best for me to have more for food, gas money, etc. I already borrowed all I could,which is how I got this amount up to what it is.
Does anyone have any ideas at all for me? It's important for me to be able to pay as I doubt I will be able to play catch up next week.. I'm so upset over losing this second job.. I didn't even make that much there but i guess it added up :'(
Well this takes some work but how about lawn mowing? My Son has
Well this takes some work but how about lawn mowing? My Son has started mowing lawns this summer and it has been one of the easiet things to do, he really walked around our neighborhood, knocked on doors, offered to mow, he sets his prices pretty low, however he is only 15 and to him its still money no matter how small...But folks have been very recepctive, almost "happy" to see him at the door. I think so many folks are busy working and doing extra sport type things with their kids, the grass is the last thing they want to think about...Just a thought.
Thank you for your advice, I'm not sure how well this will work
Thank you for your advice, I'm not sure how well this will work as I live in the city and most people around me don't have yards or grass! But I can check to see if maybe it will work in a family member's neighborhood or something.
Do you belong to a church? Sometimes, members need help around
Do you belong to a church? Sometimes, members need help around their house(s), such as garage & attic cleaning, heavy duty house cleaning, and are willing to pay for your help. One person helping another. Because you are a member, they tend to be more receptive.
Hope this helps.
thanks so much, i do belong to a church but it's not exactly a t
thanks so much, i do belong to a church but it's not exactly a tight-knit group, nobody really knows me but i do attend regularly. i will give this a try, thanks for the advice,it is really appreciated. :)
Talk to the pastor, he might know of people who need assistance
Talk to the pastor, he might know of people who need assistance and can link you.
We use this in our church. Especially our senior (65+) members,
We use this in our church. Especially our senior (65+) members, like having people over to help them. It gets the chores done, gives them company, and allows the helpers to make some extra money. Everyone wins!
thanks, that really is a good idea. I will look into it later to
thanks, that really is a good idea. I will look into it later today =)
Can you do any babysitting? Do you have any items that you know
Can you do any babysitting? Do you have any items that you know longer need that you might be able to sell at a weekend yard sale or on ebay or amazon? Also, don't forget that you can cash in your debtcc points on this site for a little bit of cash!
In regards to gas, I can't relly offer any suggestions except to combine your trips as much as possible to save money. As far as food goes, there are usually some local relief organizations that might be able to help if you come up short.
Also, see this post for some ideas:
Good luck!
thanks, thanks, thanks - this board is giving me so much hope! i
thanks, thanks, thanks - this board is giving me so much hope! i have done this before (raised money in a short period of time) and i'm real grateful for these responses!!
these are great ideas! I may see about calling our church and s
these are great ideas! I may see about calling our church and see if anyone needs any side jobs done. I could bill them cheaply, get their job done and earn a little bit of extra cash. Thanks for the ideas everyone!
Hey, everyone. Thanks for the great advice! I do have a bit of a
Hey, everyone. Thanks for the great advice! I do have a bit of an update.. Earlier i miscalculated. In order to be nice and comfortable, i'd actually need $605. in two weeks, I thought i was gonna throw up. But now, I'm down to $359. I got some help from some friends (i hated to ask but tough times, ya know? also, it's better to ask a tough question that take a payday loan, which i would have done in the past!) but anyway, they're pretty broke, too. But they helped me pay for groceries and gas, which helped me $75 into my "savings" i also did sell something on ebay, which helped me with another $50. the last $120 or so came from odd places. $10 came from a scarth off ticket i had before but i never cashed in, and the rest came from odd jobs. however, i'm scared that there aren't many options left. my church doesn't really have anything because so many other people are going through a hard time and needed help, too. i'm happy i got so much but am worried about the rest.
i still am looking for another second job, i cannot believe it's so hard and am so disgusted that i lost my old one.. :/
Do you have any recycling (cans/bottles) that you can turn in?
Do you have any recycling (cans/bottles) that you can turn in? We tend to let ours pile up in the garage and forget that it's there sometimes! Are there any of your bills that you might be able to get an extension on? Does your employer offer any type of payday advances? Many of them will advance you a small amount of money against your future salary (interest free!).
This isn't a short term solution to get money, but have you thou
This isn't a short term solution to get money, but have you thought about substitute teaching? The reason I am asking is, I had done that for years.
You can work as little or as much as you want. They called me every day to fill in somewhere, and I either said yes or no. The only thing is here, that they only pay you once a month.
If you aren't certified or degreed, you don't get as much money, but it still helps..karen
thanks again for more advice, i'm still trying.. these ideas are
thanks again for more advice, i'm still trying.. these ideas are great! this board gives me so much hope, i know it's possible :)
if worse comes to worse, my landlord has a $35 a week late fee. I am going to call him while it's still two weeks away and mention I am having trouble and it might be a little late.. I was never late before and he does have that policy, i'd gladly pay $35 to stay in good standing with him.
how did it go, did you make the money you needed to?
how did it go, did you make the money you needed to?
Hello, thanks for asking - as i said in my other post, i have th
Hello, thanks for asking - as i said in my other post, i have the money for rent (actually i need $60 more by Thursday but it shouldn't be a problem) but am still way behind. i'd need about $863 to cover all the bills i need.. i feel so helpless, i just fell behind and i am starting a second job in august but am still so behind.. thanks for asking though. these ideas are great and i have worked to pay some of my bills off. any more ideas are welcome..
I've done a ton of surveys and have not made any money yet, but
I've done a ton of surveys and have not made any money yet, but I can see where someone who is really on top of things and has time could. I could see making $100 a month or so what with all of the survey companies out there, but you would have to spend a lot of online time. Not an immediate answer, but it might help if you are already stuck at a computer and have the time to "double dip".
thanks, i have done a few of them and made some money - nothing
thanks, i have done a few of them and made some money - nothing major, just like ten bucks or so from a site.. thanks for all of the great ideas everyone has given me.. the second job i am gettin will help but is only a temp job :(
i know things will look up, though - finding this board has helped me so so much :)
It has totally helped me too in soooo many ways! I will never a
It has totally helped me too in soooo many ways! I will never again bury my head in the sand ignoring my problems. Thank you debt consolidation Care!
yea, it helped me with payday loans mostly but also with dealing
yea, it helped me with payday loans mostly but also with dealing with creditors, etc. it also made me look at my problems differently.. like one step at a time, one day at a time. things are rough for me right now but tackling one bill at a time does work.. for instance, the check i mentioned before for groceries is now cleared and i know my utility bill will be covered, too. rent is gonna be covered (next month's will also be on time) so I am in the clear with my landlord and most of my other bills aren't even techincally late yet... just one at a time, i'm making it work.. thanks to this board.
Money Making Ideas
You could try housecleaning, candlemaking, soapmaking, lawnwork, car washing, kids party planning, etc . HTH type in a google search earn more money or ways to make money.
Hi all, I'm a 23 year old grad student and I've got some stu
Hi all,
I'm a 23 year old grad student and I've got some student loans to pay off. I started searching the web one day because I wanted to find a creative way to paying off my debt.
I read this article about a woman who had about $80,000 in debt to pay off and her goal was to pay it off in 2 years. And she did! hehe, it was an intriguing article. She paid it all off by starting out with a GPT program which earned her about $1,500 a month (passively!). She then eventually became a niche blogger about her experience and hasn't looked back since.
I'm just sharing this with the folks who are interested in trying out new ways to make some extra income to pay off their debt, expenses, etc.
Feel free to visit the link in my signature for more information and proof of payment.
Hope this was helpful.
i have seen her blog and i belong to cash crate. it is nice but
i have seen her blog and i belong to cash crate. it is nice but i know there is no way i could pay off $80,000 in debt with it! I believe her lol as she has proof of payment but she has it down with referrals (I am actually on her referals!) I make money from referrals, too.. i have not done a survey in awhile (thats what i was trying to focus my blog on but havent had much free time to update it lately).
i have gotten into amazon turking but have come to realize that i will never be able to make good money online.. some spending money here and there but not much else :( i am not saying it is impossible, i just do not have the time for it..
i know a lot of us here have been on cash crate, i do not advertise my url or anything (it is in my blog though) because i see this site as my online "home" a place to give advice and recieve advice and support. i am mentioning this because this is the second time in the second thread you mentioned all of this and it seems to me that perhaps you are just here to advertise? I would hope not as this board is great and really helps people get out of debt...
My blog is inspired partly from her blog. I am paying off credi
My blog is inspired partly from her blog. I am paying off credit card debt by earning money online. I used to do Cash Crate well I'm still a member but haven't done it in a while. I do other GPT sites, PTC, surveys, ChaCha and other things.
You can follow my progress on my blog Debt-Fighter.
You can try every opportunities that available in the net right
You can try every opportunities that available in the net right now. Even to the smallest one, i believe when you have the right attitude you can earn big from those small ones. Anyway, i have tried all the possible opportunities and in my opinion, freelancing activities and affiliate marketing are the opportunities online that can give you decent earnings but you need to have skills.
ivy, you keep saying to try every opportunity but i think a lot
ivy, you keep saying to try every opportunity but i think a lot of us here have no idea where to find them.. there are so many scams out there that we just get discouraged.. i have the motivation, the attitude, i can make free time, i just cannot find anything that will actually help me make money i need for bills and what not..
for example how do people know which affiliate marketing to get involved with? to get started? same with freelancing, how does one get started?
Bea2ls, You just have to do a search to find out what's out t
You just have to do a search to find out what's out there. Type in wham (work at home mom, you don't have to be a mom or just work from home) A lot of those forums have lots on info about things you can do to work from home. Just do a search for terms like work from home, make money from home etc and lots of info will pop up. The best way to not be scammed is never to pay anyone to work for them. I was scammed out of $10 when I first started and I said that would never happen again. I do a lot of the free sites.
do you actually make anything from doing them? like is it enoug
do you actually make anything from doing them? like is it enough to be worth it?
I sure do make money from it. Check out my blog http://debt-fig
I sure do make money from it. Check out my blog I post my payments so you can see how much I've made. Now granted it could be a lot more only because I may get lazy and not do a lot of the sites every day like I should but you can make money depending on how much effort you put into it.
i looked over your blog, it seems you make the most being a chac
i looked over your blog, it seems you make the most being a chacha guide and sadly i failed the test.. (though i am not sure why i failed it??)
I failed the test the first time too because they were having ho
I failed the test the first time too because they were having horrible system problems and the test timed out getting to the next screen. I waited about a week and signed up with a different email address so you might want to try that. Right now they are only hiring for expeditors but you can switch if they start hiring for guides again.
thanks because to be honest i really do not know how i failed. i
thanks because to be honest i really do not know how i failed. i think my computer might have been giving me problems that day but did not realize that signing up with a different email address would work.
thanks so much, i really am going to look into this again. :)
by the way, what is an expeditors?
I forgot to sign in that's why it says guest. Anyway. An e
I forgot to sign in that's why it says guest. Anyway.
An expeditor converts incoming questions into a standard form and routes the questions to the correct guides and even answers some questions
Expeditors don't make as much as guides but it still ads up.
thanks again, i will look into it.. any little bit helps. :)
thanks again, i will look into it.. any little bit helps. :)
dont disregaurd things because they are small potatoes, i do man
dont disregaurd things because they are small potatoes, i do many things that add up to around 300 a month and everymonth it gets a little more. i have been ebaying my old stuff, i tell my story and help others here and on another debt forum, i make a few dollars on my adsense on my blog, and im still adding. 300 dollars some would say that is not much for the time i spend but frankly im a stay at home mom, and i only work for about 3 hours while my son is in pre-k. so i think i do well and work harder everymonth to generate more. im currently paying off my cc for installing my furnace last summer and i wont quit till i reach my goal. even then i may not because i would like to start to build a nice nest egg for me and my husband and it seems to always take all our money for bills and we never get enough saved.
thanks for reminding me of that :) i mean it, i still need that
thanks for reminding me of that :) i mean it, i still need that extra money, from when i fell behind in february (yes, february, it takes that long for me to catch up!)
and it seems that whenever i earn a little bit more and catch up a little bit more that suddenly something else comes uP!
I do understand about things always coming up. Happens all the
I do understand about things always coming up. Happens all the time with us. Seems we can't get ahead for anything. I have really been working my butt off to get my Pampered Chef stuff going. I really think as my clientell increases, so will my income, so I am really pushing to get it going. I have been out of work since mid Dec and it has been rough. Hubby is getting a couple of hours overtime per week right now, but it isn't much and not sure how long that will last. Actually I am hoping that I can get my stuff going and then I can do PC and thinking about seeing about going back to substitute teaching next year, so between the two, I think things would be ok.
thanks.. it seems like it is so hard for everyone these days..
thanks.. it seems like it is so hard for everyone these days..
I actually feel that if it weren't for bad luck, we would not ha
I actually feel that if it weren't for bad luck, we would not have any luck at all. LOL
$300 a month extra would make a world of difference to me, and I
$300 a month extra would make a world of difference to me, and I'm sure I'm not alone!
I know it helped me last month. I did 3 shows (1 was a book sho
I know it helped me last month. I did 3 shows (1 was a book show), one my grand opening and one cooking show. It was nice having that extra money come in. I am hoping to increase that amount in the next couple of months. I had thought about doing the survey things, but I just cannot keep up with them, that would be all I would get done, plus I need to get out of the house. I start feeling cooped up and just can't stand that and then I start feeling down in the dumps.
2nband, i did not forget about what we talked about - i have jus
2nband, i did not forget about what we talked about - i have just been so overwhelmed! it does seem to be working out for you.. is it hard to do?
No....the hardest thing is getting shows set up. PC usually sel
No....the hardest thing is getting shows set up. PC usually sells itself. I thought I would not be able to get in front of people and talk, but I found it easier than I though. Did you go to my website? Until June, they have come up with a mini kit for $65 instead of a full kit for $155. I have really been enjoying it though. I just got me some things to enhance my kit by using my PC dollars and nothing came out of my pocket, which was great. Plus things I buy for my kit, I get cheaper than the regular price and I get to use everything I buy and not just use it for show. I have also found I have enjoyed working booths at times.
I was going to do Avon, but one can only have some many perfumes. LOL I love Avon, but after looking things over, didn't think I could make as much. I know I told my director that I would not sell anything I didn't like and I won't. I am not that type of person, so if I find something that I am not fond of, and am asked about it, I will give my thoughts but also state that others may like it.
One thing I will say about some things that get mentioned, even
One thing I will say about some things that get mentioned, even what i am doing, make sure that it fits with your life. I know PC is legit, but sometimes I get leary of other things, so make sure you check things out and know exactly what you are getting into before you make a decision on something and make sure things are on the up and up. There are too many scams out there. Just be careful.
Even with start p costs on things. Avon, Pampered Chef, Home Interiors all have start up costs, but you usually get something for your money. PC, you get to keep everything in your kit, HI you get to keep everything....some places will provide you with your business stuff, but some places will take your money and run or you don't get anything for your money. I just cannot stress enough about just being careful, regardless of what you choose to do.
thanks for all of your tips.. i also considered avon and while i
thanks for all of your tips.. i also considered avon and while i love cosmetics and beauty items i do know how many people i know to sell to..