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Need some information please

Submitted by johnita on Mon, 06/16/2008 - 15:51
Posts: 91

I have a question, if someone is filing for bankruptcy and you are only an authorized user on their credit cards, when the credit cards are discharged are you in anyway responsible for repaying as an added user?


well it depends, some cc company's consider Authorized user as a person who is not legally repsonsible, basically they just are allowed to use the account, however others do hold authorized users legally responsible. I would call the cc company and ask to be sure. What company is it?

Submitted by lmale on Mon, 06/16/2008 - 19:08


( Posts: 742 | Credits: )

I'm presently in a chapter 13 bankruptcy, but I did not have any authorized users on any of my credit cards, but for some reason, I think I read somewhere on some of my bankruptcy paperwork that a bankruptcy filing would protect co-signers and authorized users.

Submitted by on Mon, 06/16/2008 - 19:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

unclewulf That would be great if you could check and let me know. I wasn't sure how it worked if they were only a added user. I'm pretty sure it says they can't discuss the account with them so I was thinking if they can't discuss the account with an authorized user could they come after the person if the primary person got a discharge in bankruptcy. Especially if the person had the credit cards years before they added an authorized user, I really wasn't sure how that worked. Again thanks for checking on that unclewulf the info will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Submitted by johnita on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 12:37


( Posts: 91 | Credits: )

I tend to say that authorized users are merely allowed to charge on the card, but have no contractual obligation to satisfy the balance.

If two or more people share equal responsibility then it would be a joint account, and I think those people would have the classification of being an account holder instead of an authorized user.

Now I could be wrong.

I remember when I was 16 and after I got my driver's license, my dad made me an authorized user on his Speedway gas card - I got my own card with my name on it. To that, I will just say that if being an authorized user infers contractual liability, then I don't think they could get away with putting 16-year-olds on the account ??.

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 17:08


( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

Relax, Johnita! I was confused. That happens now and then, but please don't tell anybody, OK?...

Seriously, the bit about how they could send account materials to any of the users and it would count as having sent it to all the users tripped me up. Here's a scan of the relevant bit about authorized users. It's from a B of A gold Visa contract dated 2007, so it may not be applicable to your case. But it's what I have. Sorry about the mix-up.

Submitted by unclewulf on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 20:08


( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )