My 1st Paid in Full Letter from Impact Cash Woo Hoooo!!!
Date: Mon, 06/16/2008 - 13:28
My 1st Paid in Full Letter from Impact Cash Woo Hoooo!!!
We are very sorry to hear that you have not been satisfied with your experience with Impact Cash USA. I have reviewed your account and we are willing to consider your account paid in full. We have marked your account as settled. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Emily B.
Account Services
Impact Cash USA
1-800-707-0102 ext. 8005
Monday-Friday, 8-5pm (MST)
AND, I even still owed them $245 principal!! I had a previuos loan with them that I had paid off after it be rolled over several times, so I had told them that my overpayment on that loan should be credited to the current loan. And presto*** a psid in full letter.
One down and seven to go. I emailed all of them on Saturday and await PIFs on the others.
I am so excited and grateful to all the help from everyone in this community. I couldn't have done it without all of you!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I still do not have a valid email address on Payco all the sugge
I still do not have a valid email address on Payco all the suggestions I have tried so far keep keeping bounced back as invalid address.
Help anyone? I don't have access to a fax.
Way to go! Congratulations! A little success gives you the mot
Way to go! Congratulations! A little success gives you the motivation to keep going!
Congratulations. I hope to be getting some of my PIF letters so
Congratulations. I hope to be getting some of my PIF letters soon as well.
You should post this in the success stories thread. This gives
You should post this in the success stories thread. This gives people hope that it can be done:)
Great job! I have a question. I am just getting started and i
Great job! I have a question. I am just getting started and i noticed that you said you e-mailed the letters...where did you get the e-mail addresses and do you suggest doing that instead of faxing? It would be a lot easier to e-mail that's for sure! I also had some rollover loans and am going to use your idea of using the past overpayment for this current loan. Thanks so much!!
Hey Lovee, some email addresses I had from when they would send
Hey Lovee, some email addresses I had from when they would send email reminders or especially when they sent me an email because their pmt did not go thru. lol
Others I got by reading different posts here in the community and by doing a search here on this website. Good luck
I sent all of my C and D letters via email. I never sent a hard
I sent all of my C and D letters via email. I never sent a hard copy to any of my PDLs.
The only one I have been unable to send by email is Payco. I ca
The only one I have been unable to send by email is Payco. I can't seem to get a good email address on them. I've tried customer service (at) payco, cs and csd (a) payco, and administration (at) payco. Anyone out there have a valid email address for them?
ladybug~ I took your suggestion and posted my PIF in the success
ladybug~ I took your suggestion and posted my PIF in the success stories.
I want to tell everyone ho will listen that with this community's help, it can be done!! :D
Can you give us an example of the e-mail you sent out?
I have 2 payday loans. One with PLS Payday Loan Store which is storefront (I'm in Illinois)
The other is Sonic Payday. I've heard they are either out of Canada or Malta.
Any help you can give me I appreciate...
MCBroke~ok it is quite lengthy, but here is what I emailed Impac
MCBroke~ok it is quite lengthy, but here is what I emailed Impact:
Impact Cash USA
Bountiful, UT 84010
Telephone: (435) 214-4148
800-707-0102 ext. 8005
accountservices (a)
Re: Acct Numer:XXXXXX
Re: ACH Revocation
Wage garnishment/Wage assignment Revocation
Cease and Desist Notice
Paid in Full Letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
Since taking a loan with you, I have educated myself on the laws and regulations of PDLs and how you have violated almost every single one of them and I will let the BBB, AG, and FTC know this.
According to the Texas Attorney General????????s office since I reside in Texas you have to follow the Texas Payday Loan Laws (posted below for your review) and you have to be licensed in Texas to do business with me.
Which by the way, they are not showing that Impact Cash or Impact Cash USA is licensed in Texas so you in violation and I will be filing a complaint with them.
Texas State Information
Legal Status: Legal
7 Tex. Admin. Code ???? 1.605; Tex. Fin. Code Ann. ???????? 342.251 et seq. and 342.601 et seq.
Loan Terms:
Maximum Loan Amount:
Loan Term: 7-31 days
Maximum Finance Rate and Fees: $10 per loan + 48% annual interest
Finance Charge for 14-day $100 loan: $12
apr for 14-day $100 loan: 309%
Debt Limits:
Maximum Number of Outstanding Loans at One Time: Not Specified ($500 aggregate loans outstanding to all licensees)
Rollovers Permitted: None (if renewal charge is less than maximum interest rate permitted; otherwise convert to declining balance installment note)
Cooling-off Period:
Repayment Plan:
Collection Limits:
Collection Fees: Not Specified
Criminal Action: Not Specified
Where to Complain, Get Information:
Regulator: Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner
Address: 2601 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin TX 78705
Phone: (512) 936-7600
Fax: (512) 936-7610
Regulatory Contact
I loaned with you one time previously and my obvious overpayments on the fees should be applied to my balance and then our relationship with each other can end. Upon receipt of a paid in full letter I will not even pursue the full refund of ALL monies I paid you that I am entitled to due to the loans being illegal to begin with, since you are not licensed in Texas.
This is my written notice to you informing you of revoking any ACH authorization you may have on file from me on any bank accounts I currently have or may have in the future.
You no longer have my permission to use ACH drafts on any of my bank accounts.
Though not legal to begin with, I hereby revoke your right to use any wage assignment I may have digitally signed or verbally agreed to.
This request to revoke complies with Texas Codes/Statues on Wage Assignments/Garnishments quoted below:
???????The employer may not make deductions unless ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction (as in court-ordered child support payments); authorized to do so by state or federal law (as in IRS withholding); or authorized in writing by the employee, and then only for a lawful purpose. ???????
Any wage assignment/wage garnishment is thus invalid.
Cease and Desist:
This serves as your notice to cease and desist all collection attempts including but not limited to phone calls to me, phone calls to my employer, phone calls to my references, as well as any written communication to my employer.
Below I am giving you the specific law mentioned in FDCPA:
You may email my paid in full letter or contact me by email only at (list email address) to send me my paid in full letter.
Any contact and all responses from your company, parent company, any of your affiliated companies, or collection agency retained by you, will be recorded and forwarded to the above mentioned agencies and authorities
If you contend you are operating legally in the State of Texas, please provide a copy of all paperwork tied to this transaction-along with your licensure, which I will then forward to the State Attorney General for review. You will need to send that to me via certified mail by June 30th. You may request, via email, the address to send this required information to.
Otherwise, no further action is required on your part other than to send me a paid in full letter which I will be expecting by June 30th, 2008.
Once I am in receipt of the paid in full letter I will notify all the above mentioned agencies that you have satisfactorily resolved this matter with me.
Name and info removed for personal safety - Goudah
Moderator Please
Can you please delete my email address in my last post under 1st PIF woohooo I meant to and forgot....sorry and thanks