student loan and credit card debt is giving me depression..
Date: Tue, 06/10/2008 - 13:31
student loan and credit card debt is giving me depression..
i am in college with foolish debt between credit cards and student loans at about 100,000 and still have 2 years left. the future is scaring me! what are some ways i will be able to handle the payback, will i be able to handle it? i am not doing this again, i am done spending money. mark my is too late to transfer schools (as most schools won't accept my school's credits). I took the stupid chase student loans out which give you extra money for room and board and computers and all that and took waaay too much money out and spent it.
Welcome, Samantha! I'm very sorry to hear about your problems.
Welcome, Samantha! I'm very sorry to hear about your problems. Unfortunately, as you are seeing, it is way too easy to get into debt, and it is much harder to get out of debt. You shouldn't have to start making payments on your student loans until after you graduate. When do you have to start making paymnets on your Chase loans?