Sorta a solution for gas card
Date: Thu, 06/05/2008 - 07:44
Submitted by sbillingsley90
Thu, 06/05/2008 - 07:44
Total Replies: 15
Sorta a solution for gas card
One more quick thing. My sister has started me in on using coup
One more quick thing. My sister has started me in on using coupons. The other day I went grocery shopping and bought $110 worth of groceries and with my coupons (being doubled and tripled) and with my prescription transfer free groceries...I walked out only paying a whopping $17.97. I was SO PROUD of myself. I got a mixer for free because it was priced wrong and at Kroger if something is priced and rings up at a different is FREE!!! Yippee!!
i am a speedy rewards's free to sign up
and you get points for everything you buy.the gas is the least expensive in my area and to make it better,the clubs can get you points and free stuf from free fountain free food,to merchandise.i just cashed points toward a 100.00 cash card.that will get me a month's supply of fuel easy.
Somehow this post got under CHEXSYSTEMS. i don't know how to mo
Somehow this post got under CHEXSYSTEMS. i don't know how to move it. Does anyone know how to move it???
Beware of gas at supermarket outlets. Most are of cheap grade an
Beware of gas at supermarket outlets. Most are of cheap grade and can do more harm than good.
Usually they get whatever brand is cheaper that week. For insta
Usually they get whatever brand is cheaper that week. For instance, Randalls is an unbranded location. If Chevron fuel is cheaper this week, then Randall's will purchase Chevron. If BP is cheaper then they will purchase BP. Being unbranded only means they don't stick with the same brand each week. YOur fuel may be part Chevron, part BP, etc. because it is mixed. I used to work for Chevron Corporation, so I am familiar with these unbranded locations. However, they do not have to uphold the same QC as branded locations. So they aren't as strick about making sure that there isn't water or particulates in their fuel. So yes, you have to be careful. But Walmart is a branded location (Murphy Oil) and I haven't had any problems with Randalls or Krogers. But thanks for the head's up
you also get a discount at Flying J if you join their rewards an
you also get a discount at Flying J if you join their rewards and citgo if you buy a citgo shopping card...every little bit helps
These are great solutions! I didn't know about the Walmart gift
These are great solutions! I didn't know about the Walmart gift card. We are struggling with gas costs and all of these little things help.
Quote: i am a speedy rewards's free to sign up and you
i am a speedy rewards's free to sign up and you get points for everything you buy.the gas is the least expensive in my area and to make it better,the clubs can get you points and free stuf from free fountain free food,to merchandise.i just cashed points toward a 100.00 cash card.that will get me a month's supply of fuel easy. |
I use speedy rewards also since I buy most of my gas there. I wanted to add a strategy that I use to save more on gas there. What I do is I buy $50 gift cards right before I fill up. I then use that gift card to pay at the pump. I get a 3 cent discount for using the gift card. I am also suppose to get 1000 bonus points for buying a $50 gift card but I just started this and havent seen it post. I also get the points for a normal fill up.
i too love speey rewards! I have done the gift card thing and i
i too love speey rewards! I have done the gift card thing and i love it...anything that you can save at the pump is well worth it these days.... economy now makes me sick!!!
Gasoline was down to $2.15 per gallon today! (Idaho) :D
Gasoline was down to $2.15 per gallon today! (Idaho) :D
It's still hovering around $2.25 here in the People's Republic o
It's still hovering around $2.25 here in the People's Republic of Vermont. Beats four bucks, though!
OTOH, I talked to an old club Brother today. Gas where he is [Independence, MO] is $1.58.
Gas is $1.81 in my part of town but $1.70 on the other side of t
Gas is $1.81 in my part of town but $1.70 on the other side of town
I love it that gas prices are good and low because winter has st
I love it that gas prices are good and low because winter has started and now my car gets 3-4 less miles per gallon because of the cold