Date: Fri, 05/30/2008 - 09:04
625 pilot road suite 2 in las vegas. I also found out that Credit One Bank has the same address.
Hughes Airport Center Portfolio
585 Pilot Road
625 Pilot Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Hughes Airport Center Portfolio consists of two (2) single-tenant flex office buildings located in the Hughes Airport Center of Las Vegas, Nevada. 100% occupied by Credit One Bank, a national credit tenant, the two buildings are currently being used as office/call centers.
So is LVNV Funding really there?
Is that LVNV Fundings address? Or are they at 15 S. Main Street,
Is that LVNV Fundings address? Or are they at 15 S. Main Street, Suite 700
Greenville, SC 29601
I think I just figured it out. LVNV Funding owns Sherman Financial Group, LLC. right? Well credit one bank is owned by Sherman Financial Group, LLC.
So in other words, they say LVNV Funding is listed at 625 pilot road when they are not. just one of their many names is.
I have a credit card right now with Credit One, I called them and asked the guy if they where in Vegas and he hung up on me,lol.
I am calling the attorney general on Monday if she doesn't call me back. If I don't get any help there, I will call the district attorney or the governor.
What does anyone else make of this? They never where legally able to do business in this state by providing false information? I might be setting up a nice lawsuit against LVNV funding for messing with me and hopefully get their permit revoked for good and stop them from hurting others in my state.
I DV'ed them at this address on 3/15/2008. The letter was signed
I DV'ed them at this address on 3/15/2008. The letter was signed for, and I haven't heard peep outta them. Validation, least of all.
LVNV Funding, LLC
Bank of America Building
200 Meeting St., Suite #206
Charleston, SC 29401-3187
It's kind of hard to get validation when they have so many DBA A
It's kind of hard to get validation when they have so many DBA AKA and different addresses. I know that one debt collector listed an address in the Rhode Island corporations division and they got it revoked.
LVNV Funding is not in Las Vegas as a principle office, it is only a call center under the name of Credit One Bank who is owned by Sherman AKA LVNV. I don't think thats legal.
It's all a shell game with these people. While it may [probably
It's all a shell game with these people. While it may [probably not] be technically legal, it's certainly not ethical.
In my case, I had MRS calling for my wife. After I kicked them in the teeth a couple of times, the account was pulled.
Probably because their 'tough guy' approach wasn't collecting anything but laughter from me. Resurgent then called, once, trying the 'cheerful, helpful' approach. I beat her up until she admitted that the account was owned by LVNV. Then I DV'ed both Resurgent and LVNV. Haven't heard peep from either of them [or anybody else] since.
Resurgent Capital Services is the parent company, their subsidia
Resurgent Capital Services is the parent company, their subsidiaries include Sherman Acquisitions, LVNV Funding, and some others. I've heard rumors that they are all ultimately owned by Wolpoff and Abramson but I haven't found any substantial proof.
I DV'd LVNV at this address on 5/14, it was mailed CRR and signe
I DV'd LVNV at this address on 5/14, it was mailed CRR and signed for. haven't received a response back.
lvnv funding llc
P O B 10584
Don't hold your breath waiting on that validation. You'd look fu
Don't hold your breath waiting on that validation. You'd look funny in blue. Seriously, there are folks on this site who've been waiting years for LVNV to validate.
Yes, LVNV LIES. They are on my credit report and will NOT val
They are on my credit report and will NOT validate.
Did you send your demand for validation certified mail, return r
Did you send your demand for validation certified mail, return receipt requested? Do you still have the green return card, and a copy of the letter? If you do, then dispute their tradeline with the CRAs. It's illegal [fdcpa violation] for LVNV to verify the tradeline without providing validation to you. Doing so constitutes continued collection activity, which is the violation.
If you didn't send the letter CM/RRR, or you no longer have the green card, you may wish to send another letter, CM/RRR. Wait until they sign for it, then dispute the tradeline as I've outlined above.
Yep- I have been waiting for over 2 years for them to validate!
Yep- I have been waiting for over 2 years for them to validate! I just send them a DV letter, they don't validate, and in the meantime break lots of regulations. Then I send a follow-up letter with a copy of my first one and outline all the things they have broken. They,then, pass it to another of their many agencies..karen
Karen, are you about fed up with LVNV? It may be about time you
Karen, are you about fed up with LVNV? It may be about time you took the bull by the balls on this one. Have you considered suing them for their litany of fdcpa violations [such as sending it to a different CA instead of validating]?
some things I noticed on my credit report was they all list LVNV Funding. all the P.O.BOX numbers are different, but are in South Carolina.
All the amounts are different on each report updated the same month. but show A high balance of $2,566 but the balance is $3,321. How the hell can the recent balance be higher than the high balance???? Is that a violation of the FCRA and the fdcpa????
I would suggest sending them a debt validation letter (don't hol
I would suggest sending them a debt validation letter (don't hold your breath on a response) you can find a good template via my signature link. Be sure to send the enclosure with it certified mail, return receipt requested. Wait about 30 days after the day you receive the confirmation card then dispute it with the credit reporting agencies. If it comes back verified then you can probably sue them for FCRA and fdcpa violations.
I have done all that already. Their attorney office said that I
I have done all that already. Their attorney office said that I had a full CD in the letter. I told them that they can only contact me in writing if it is for validation, I still have a copy of everything. It has been well over 60 days since they got it.
Then at this point I would suggest disputing the entries with th
Then at this point I would suggest disputing the entries with the credit reporting bureaus. See if they validate it with them. If so you have them on a few FCRA violations and 1 fdcpa violation per account they verify per bureau.
I called the division of banks today and I filed a complaint onl
I called the division of banks today and I filed a complaint online. They told me to call the attorney general. The attorney general's office won't even look into it.
I am wondering if I should go higher up and report that they are not licensed to collect debt in my state, maby the governors office.
I also came across this too, LVNV was not a corporation in SC or
I also came across this too, LVNV was not a corporation in SC or MA at the time they tried to collect:
Chapter 156D: Section 2.04. Liability for pre-incorporation transactions
All persons purporting to act as or on behalf of a corporation, knowing there was no incorporation under this chapter shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities created while so acting.
[center:0a425fd114]I have a question.[/center:0a425fd114] As
[center:0a425fd114]I have a question.[/center:0a425fd114]
As most of us know,after buying an account, LVNV farms the account out to many CA's.
The first communication comes from a CA who has been assigned the debt.
As a result, a debtor does not receive the 30-day dispute disclosure from LVNV.
If a request for validation is sent to LVNV within the 30 day period,even though the first communication came from a CA, do you have protection under the fdcpa? Is LVNV required to cease collection on the debt until they provide validation?
I'm assuming you don't, because LVNV is not the entity that sends the initial communication. The 30 day dispute disclosure notice is not sent by LVNV.
What if LVNV assigns the debt to a collection Attorney and you send a validation request to the Attorney within the 30-day period.
I am aware the collection attorney is required to cease all collection activity until validation is sent.
What position does this put one in as far as LVNV is concerned?
Is LVNV required to cease collection activity as well?
LVNV will farm it out to their many agencies within their compan
LVNV will farm it out to their many agencies within their company. I got a letter from LVNV and they had the 30 day thing in it. Also, when they passed it around, the other companies had the 30 day to dispute clause in it. I also got one from an attorney withing their walls, which also had the 30 days to dispute.
I would assume that since you are never sent an initial dunning
I would assume that since you are never sent an initial dunning letter from LVNV giving you your 30 days to dispute that your time frame to dispute is unlimited until LVNV actually sends you the notice. Once they receive the CMRRR DV request they would have to cease farming it or doing any in house collection until they validate per fdcpa.
Quote:LVNV will farm it out to their many agencies within their
LVNV will farm it out to their many agencies within their company. I got a letter from LVNV and they had the 30 day thing in it. Also, when they passed it around, the other companies had the 30 day to dispute clause in it. I also got one from an attorney withing their walls, which also had the 30 days to dispute. |
My first communication came from a CA they assigned the debt to.
I have not received the first phone call or any correspondence directly from LVNV.
[quote]I would assume that since you are never sent an initial dunning letter from LVNV giving you your 30 days to dispute that your time frame to dispute is unlimited until LVNV actually sends you the notice. Once they receive the CMRRR DV request they would have to cease farming it or doing any in house collection until they validate per fdcpa. [/quote]
Thanks for the info. JCEMT[/center:125c5a8434]
I think the high balance was the high balance when the credit ca
I think the high balance was the high balance when the credit card was active...the balance that you are seeing on invoices is the present balance with interest included...this is not legal but something everyone should ask about is what interest rate you are being charged. Once an account is charged off there is a maximum interest rate that can be charged and this rate varies from state to state. Im guessing that information is available somewhere on this site.
The problem with LVNV is, that they don't stop farming it out wh
The problem with LVNV is, that they don't stop farming it out when you send them a DV. I have been contacted by many of their CAs and an attorney collecting for them.
When I DV each of them, I send a copy of my original DV and tell them they have been passing it around without validating, along with the other violations they have done-they just keep passing it around!
Bossy4455, have you tried DVing LVNV/Sherman/Resurgent yet?
Bossy4455, have you tried DVing LVNV/Sherman/Resurgent yet?
I found out some more information. LVNV Funding is not licensed
I found out some more information. LVNV Funding is not licensed with Nevada to collect debt. I also did not find Resurgent Capital Services. Pinnacle Financial group is though. It's amazing how LVNV Funding will hide.
Yes, JCEMT, I have DVd them, they were the first ones I did. The
Yes, JCEMT, I have DVd them, they were the first ones I did. They passed it to Resurgent,Phillips and Cowen, WW&R, and some others I can't think of right now. I enjoy messin' with them, have a file of papers inches thick on them and their many violations.
Everytime they pass it, I send a DV with a copy of the original DV letter and a paper stating the many violations they have broken.
I also tole them I figured I overpaid the OC abot $11,000.00 and that they owed me :lol:
I have learned alot of theit tricks in the last couple of years, they don't play well with others :lol: karen