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borack and associates

Date: Wed, 05/28/2008 - 18:35

Submitted by changetobedebtfree
on Wed, 05/28/2008 - 18:35

Posts: 108 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 49

borack and associates

anyone every dealt with them? they are representing LVNV funding...

unclewulf, i got a notice of intent to dismiss for lack of prosecution on court's own motion at the beginning of the month. i called the courts to make sure it was legit. the operstor told me that i didn't have to show up because most likely the case will be dismiss.

i was at my parents house and picked up the phone. borack and associates telling me they are representing LVNV and that they have a summons out to be servics to me. an attorney was not present and they could not give me any information expect that i owe about 2.5k

i told her i will call back tomororw. wise move on my part?


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Wed, 05/28/2008 - 18:53

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

good afternoon all,

so i called this "law office" during my lunch break today and spoke to the "attorney" that is handling my case...he did not have any information for me other than the ammount i "owe". He inform me that LVNV did not give him the original creditor or anything. He has me on hold for 10 min (he didn't even use the hold button) while his "manager" was trying to view my profile.
After the hold, he ask me for my number and my mailing address so he can get back to me when he gets the information from LVNV.

WTH? i am baffle at their professionalism. I didn't provide him with any information and inform him that i will get back with him.

so, should i send them a DV letter? if so, should i send it to them or LVNV?


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 11:15

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

Be advised that attacking posts are not permitted per the TOS of this site. Please refer to the TOS and abide by them if you wish to continue posting.



Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 08:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm going to a Borack/LVNV pre-trial hearing tomorrow morning - and I'm as mad as a hornet - because these Borack & Assoc. morons (representing LVNV Funding) are trying to collect money from me on a credit card bill I paid off almost 5 years ago - - and I've even provided them with a copy of my cancelled check!! These idiots dug up a "zombie debt mailing list" and first filed a court case against me for this NON-OWED debt in the wrong county, and now they are trying here in my county where I live. I am ARMED with all inds of paperwork and federal trade and collections' laws info. I'll let you know what happens - I plan to prevail, and send them back to Maitland, FL with their nuts in a box!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 21:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok.......I've seen this 'Zombie debt' thing on the forum, the last few days. Can someone please explain what Zombie Debt means? Correct me if I'm wrong please, but.......does it mean a debt that is so old that the SOL had expired?


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 22:16

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

I PAID them because owe SEARS money. I end up saving more money by paying a settlement.
My representative name is JEN. She was helpfull.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 09/20/2008 - 19:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Borack & Associates try to intimidate and come off ruthless. My debt was valid but I had went through a divorce and was struggling. I told them I could make XX amount per month. The lady told me that was not acceptable, they didn't do monthly payments either have the money to them by a certain date or they were suing. I told the lady well I don't have it so I guess I'll see you in court. She kept calling, do you have the money yet and I kept telling her the same thing. A week before the court date she calls and says you need to have your parents or someone take out a loan so you can pay us, sell something, anything. I told her what I had told her many times before. The day before court she calls and ask me could I still make the payments I had suggested before. I told her yes. That's why I'm paying them now. Don't ignore them and don't let them bully you.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 09:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

No one bullies anyone! If someone owed you thousands of $$ in debt would you not be ruthless in your efforts to collect it back?!

You debtors sit on all these forums discussing how "bad" we are or whatever! But in case you forgot...YOU ARE THE ONES WHO TOOK MONEY, BOUGHT THINGS, AND NEVER RE-PAID THE MONEY!! In the real world that's called STEALING!! IMO it should not be a civil matter it should be criminal!! There should be jail time for stealing from someone!

Yes, we suggest anyway we can for you to get the money to pay it back....beg, borrow or sell! The reason we would rather go to court is so we can get our judgement. that can stay with you up to 20 years if the client so sees fit.

I have been with this firm for 2 years, and I love it here. The people are good and honest. We are only given so much info sometimes to go on with these files. And when you are ignorant (like most debtors are) to this field, you put blame on everyone else except yourself.

A good way to keep bill collectors off your back is to PAY YOUR BILLS!!!!! Point the finger at yourself and not us...we didn't create this mess for you!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 15:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Anonymous Collector, why don't you just go crawl back into your little collector cube and shut up!

Believe me, we have heard it all from you CA shills and I don't know why you people continue to come on this website posting your hate-filled spew without knowing what you're talking about. Do you think you're going to make us cry? Or maybe you're just trying to impress your other zombie CA friends?

Whatever the reason, you're a joke and it's a waste of your time to post your drivel.

The majority of posts I have read on this site are from people that do want to pay their bills, and are unable due to circumstances beyond their control. I don't think I have read one serious post on this site from someone advocating just not paying your bills because you don't want to. What I have seen are people coming here because they have been the victim of shady CA's that want to violate the law (yes the fdcpa, as out of date as it is, is still a law) and are looking for answers as to what their rights are and how to handle being shaken down by some CA that thinks is the mafia.

And I'm glad this site is here!

As for your comment:

IMO it should not be a civil matter it should be criminal!! There should be jail time for stealing from someone!

Well, you know what they say opinions are like . . . .

I also feel it should also be a criminal matter when a CA's harasses a debtor that's going through medical problems and has been unemployed for over a year, threatening them with being arrested (which we all know can't happen), to the point the debtor feels his only alternative is suicide. Or forcing someone to pay on a debt that isn't even theirs, with threats of arrest, having someone come to their job and "deal with them", threats of a lawsuit when they have no intention of suing, all while refusing the alleged debtors request to verify this debt; all the CA is interested in is getting the money however they can. No, my dear Anonymous Collector, those are the real crime.

So, it turns out, in your world of hard time for unpaid debts, you would end up sharing the jail cell with some of the debtors you've victimized.

Don't drop the soap.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 18:07

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

In the real world junk collectors could not buy charged off debt for pennies on the dollar (along with a bunch of other collectors claiming to own the same debt) and pretend they were victimized when they cannot validate the debt is owned by them.

I am learning my rights and I owe some Junk collector nothing until they prove it to me.

Prove you legally own the debt, prove the amount of the debt and when you are done get back to me.

I found an attorney who has said if I can wright the answer to my complaint he will put it on his letterhead and enter it for $30.00.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 19:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Collector, people make mistake. We are human. Some people get caught up in drugs. Some poeople get caught up lies. Some people get caught in the game of CREDIT!

I believe the purpose of this site is to help people get through their problems and solve it. We are not trying to run any more. We are waving the white flag for help.

It is the main ingredient of your job. So have a little compassion. Obviously, this site is not for you...So do yourself and all of us a favor and keep it moving.....


Submitted by changetobedebtfree on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 11:04

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

they sent me threating letters in 2006 i paid so much to them that i pd what they said i owed.then in 2008 they said it was not pd off, i agreed if they sent what i owed left i would try to work on it ,now i cannot pay anymore they will not send me the original cc debt that i requested in writin noone sent me a note since my letter in november nor december,i have read a lot of books talked to free counselors about this my credit report show it was charged off and also they have not written since my letter i mailed december 3 2008 ,


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 12/20/2008 - 14:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is a little off topic but I am dealing with these people and they are telling us to quite our jobs , foreclose our home and go on welfare instead of working with us to make payment arrangments.
Now mind you I am due to deploy to Afganastan in 3 months and they wont even show no military consideration.
I mean I want to pay the debt but I need them to work with me a little before I deploy but they want it all now or nothing.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/05/2009 - 11:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

After I answer the summons should I try and workout a settlement with these people? Do I have to go to Borack or can I talk directly with long as they dont try to double me up?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

No, I would not do anything of the sort until this case is worked out. Do not make any setlements because you have a lawsuit on the table right now, and these people have not yet proven to you that they have any business trying to collect on this debt in the first place. If a debt collector is legitimate, then they will have no problem obeying the law, its that simple. And, since they have already filed suit without proving that they are legally entitled to collect this debt, dont offer them a penny until they validate the debt fully. check your email about this, Tony.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Mon, 01/05/2009 - 13:16

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

thsi people had calling me in so very rude way they got me almost up the point of negative thougs like suicide i had nevr had any one spk to me in that kind of way they said there are putting a lean on my house they goingto get my boyfriend to refince and they can hepl me him do it they even mention my car my tag went my boyfriend purchased I am woory about my botfriend he does have anthing to do with this i told i could pay 75.00 to 100.00 a month a they gave me 24 hrs to get a 1,000.00 dollars can some one let me know is thi slegal to threthe poeple with their personal / i can even sleep at nigth i went to my doctor and they gave pill for the ansiatty // some one have to stop this poeple this can go very far //


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/10/2009 - 09:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

thsi people had calling me in so very rude way they got me almost up the point of negative thougs like suicide i had nevr had any one spk to me in that kind of way they said there are putting a lean on my house they goingto get my boyfriend to refince and they can hepl me him do it they even mention my car my tag went my boyfriend purchased I am woory about my botfriend he does have anthing to do with this i told i could pay 75.00 to 100.00 a month a they gave me 24 hrs to get a 1,000.00 dollars can some one let me know is thi slegal to threthe poeple with their personal / i can even sleep at nigth i went to my doctor and they gave pill for the ansiatty // some one have to stop this poeple this can go very far //


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/10/2009 - 09:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I live in Polk County, Florida; on January 30th, 2008 I was served with a summons for damages for a credit card debt from Borack and Associates. I responded to the court on February 15th, 2008 with a debt validation letter. I never heard back from Borack until July with a letter in the mail with paperwork that was filed in Colorado of an affidavit in support of claim and non-military affidavit. Nothing was ever recorded in Florida and no validation paperwork was produced. On February 12th, 2009, a year later, the court in Florida filed a motion of lack of prosecution with a hearing date of May 14th, 2009 and gave Borack 60 days to respond. Today, at day 60 I received in the mail a copy of the paperwork supposedly filed in Colorado. I also received 2 papers that have the court case number, showing of good cause and an order of good cause asking for the case not to be dismissed but still no validation has been sent to me. The papers they sent had a date stamp of April 9th, 2009 but nothing showing they were actually filed. I called the court and they still show no record of anything being filed. What should I do next? If we end up in court will the judge side with them even though they have not followed through with anything that was asked of them?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 13:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If there is no court case, then they are lying to you, which is a big FDCPA violation, in which you can sue them...

Oh by the way, a Debt Validation letter is not a court document, nor should it be sent to the courts. In that case, you would file a Motion for Discovery.

It seems to me that they have no case at all, and I would definitely sue them. FDCPA violations carry with it $1000 (for you) and possible attorney fees and court costs.

And where does Colorado fit into the picture? If they are going to sue you, they need to do it in your County. I'd say it is in your best interest to go to court on this one.


Submitted by Chrys Henderson on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 22:49

( Posts: 2538 | Credits: )

I will like to know how many of this DEBT COLLECTORS have unpaid bills AND THEY SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE CRIMINALS FOR NOT PAYING THERE BILLS. I think this debt collectors are a bunch of criminals sitting in a 10 x 10 room


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/06/2009 - 12:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well let me tell that I do have a debt which I am paying monthly through a court order from this attorney Mr. David E. Borack my balance was for $2000. and they increased it to over $8000. (accumulated interest) + court cost and paper work so they said in their legal documents. I was very honest when I told them my situation; I was sick with breast cancer I had to buy medicine, I had treatment for almost 7 years it was either bit the cancer or pay the bill and (still) they did not lower the balance. I have been paying for almost 2-1/2 years and I still own them $4000. Be careful they do their best to collect.
And for those collectors out there. Not all the time like one of you said that we are the one responsible for this mess, by all mean yes it is true, but remember no one can determine any ones health or the up-coming in been sick cancer is an ugly word. Thanks God I am still here to tell you my story. GOOD LUCK EVERY ONE. D.P.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/13/2009 - 18:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Anonymous Collector and a whole bunch of others from their "firm" were canned this year. You should see the places that they have posted fake posts during the past few years saying "This firm was nice and I made payment arrangements with them. Call them now! (or they will win and take your money and your car)" Too funny; I feel bad for those who are ignorant enough to believe it.

It looks like the trouble for David and company just keeps continuning....


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 11:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

David Borack is an imcompetent idiot attorney. i have left numurous messages and never received a return call. I been put into collections for a $1,200 loan that my ex wife opened illegally using my name without my consent. I have a signed affadavit that is notorized and a police reportto prove it. This is ruining my credit. What a scumbag lawfirm.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 08:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )