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Date: Tue, 05/27/2008 - 10:25

Submitted by luv2laugh
on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 10:25

Posts: 66 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 28


My husband and I are in a dire situation....

We need $500 in 5 days. I don't know what to do except try to sell the possessions we have on Craigslist as fast as we can, but honestly, I don't think we have $500 worth of stuff here. (we are only 21 and haven't had much time to accumulate possessions)

I don't want to get an advance payment because I am trying to stop this cycle ASAP. We need to cancel our checkings account so we can start saving to settle our debts and I don't want to get stuck in the trap of Payday Loans.

We also don't have any family members to borrow from as they are just trying to survive themselves and my mom has a huge majority of her income in rotating cd's.

These are my plans of action and extra money coming in the next 5 days:
1) Selling any possession we think we can get money for on craigslist

2) Listing all our books on Amazon

3) Working as an extra on Wednesday for 4-5 hours at 8.00 an hour (get paid in cash) $32.00

4) Donate Plasma 2x for $60.00

5) Maybe my husband can get into an experiment at a local university which I already did for $40.00

6) Look for GPT's that pay SAME DAY - I think I heard some exist.

Does anyone have ANY other suggestions that can pay in 5 days of ways they earned cash. Unfortunately I don't have anyone I can babysit for, although I will advertise rigorously and just pray for God to make something available so we can escape the trap of cash advances and payday loans. Because no matter waht we lose, we need to keep a shelter over our heads.

Thanks in advance.

Do you have any gold jewelry that you don't care about? It is around 1000.00 per oz right now! Also can you talk to your landlord or property manager and explain your situation. They may give you more time. You may get charged a late fee! It is better to bring it out in the open then to just not pay. Communication is important!


Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 10:33

( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

thanks frogpatch. I actually forgot to include that in my calculations.

If we have to, my husband can trade in his old class ring. last month we needed money too (surprise, surprise) and he got his class ring and our old promise ring evaluated, it was $200.00 at two different places.

He really wanted to save his ring for sentimental reasons (not only was it a gift from his dad, but he wanted to save it for his child). guess you have to pick and choose sentimental items when you get into debt, right?

we'll see. that's all we had other than my wedding ring and engagement ring - which he doesn't want me to sell.

but, that $200 would make a big difference. almost halfway there. thanks for the reminder.


Submitted by luv2laugh on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 10:38

( Posts: 66 | Credits: )


I am sorry to hear about your situation. A few suggestions:

1. Instead of actually "selling" your stuff, try pawning it if you really want to keep it. Keep in mind, you may be paying 20% to pawn it, but it is better than doing a PDL.
2. Talk to your landlord and see if they will work out a partial payment. (I don't know if you work and when you get paid, but use that as a guideline.) Just make sure you keep your promise! If you break it, you will lose the faith of your landlord and make matters worse. A landlord would rather get the $ a week late than nothing at all. Evictions are costly and troublesome.
3. If you have old CD's and such, sell them to game stores that buy and sell CD's. Going rate is about $3-5 per CD.
4. If you belong to a church, sometimes they have emergency funds. Check with them.
5. If you have furniture you don't want, sell it to a resale shop. You will have to bring the items to the store.

This is what I come up with for a short term (5 day) solution. Perhaps others here have more ideas?!

Best of luck.


Submitted by desperatelyseekingsanity on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 10:43

( Posts: 1129 | Credits: )

ok, so I have just about got pricing for all the books I have at my house at both and Amazon.

cash4books will offer me $142.59. They pay for shipping and once they recieve the books I get my payment 3 business days after.
***this will take more than 5 days, but I know it is coming somewhat soon.

Listing every item worth anything on amazon for 1.00 less the lowest price = $478.00
***There is no guarantee anything will be bought or when. In the past I was surprised how quickly people bought from me.


I will let you know how I do. Thanks for all the suggestions.


Submitted by luv2laugh on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 12:28

( Posts: 66 | Credits: )

angell, I am a BIG craigslist fan! That is a great idea. i will def. keep my eye on the gigs section and etc./general jobs section so I don't miss anything that may pay with cash on the spot.

wow! desperatelyseekingsanity - thanks!

- for items like my husband's class ring we may pawn if we have to, especially if we know more money will be trickling in (mid june we get our stimulus check).

- as for talking with my landlord, our check actualy bounced last month and we had 2 days to get her a money order, we addressed it immediately. the month before we turned it in on time, but she didn't get it and we got a call 5 days past asking if we were planning on turning it in. of course, we were shocked, so we just gave her another check. (we hope she found our original check later, but if she never did it def. tarnishd our reputation) we also have a month to month lease. she says she likes us a lot and that is why she has already given us chances. I want to avoid giving her any reason to evict us. but, if i need to talk with her in 4-5 days we will.

- as for cd's and dvd's. we don't have a ton, but we have some. how dowe find stores that buy them back. I know there is an online one called, but will look for a closer one.

- and I will look into the church we go to.



Submitted by luv2laugh on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 12:37

( Posts: 66 | Credits: )

Amazon deals in CDs/DVDs.

On talking with your landlord... Don't wait five days until the rent's due. That puts her on the spot. Talk to her now. Just give her a heads-up on your situation, and let her know what you're doing about it. Communication is key here.

While you're at it... Ask her if there might be anything you could do for her in return for a credit/reduction on the month's rent. Perhaps cuutting grass, cleaning vacant units, odd jobs... You don't know until you ask, right? We have a guy who lives in this complex. He covers his family's rent by litter control and mowing.


Submitted by unclewulf on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 16:31

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

Hi Unclewulf,

I agree with you 5 days is not the best time to tell her. My husband usually makes bonus $500 extra every paycheck, but didn't make it this time. We just found out today.

I am feeling more and more confident that we will get the money by June 1st. I think after the check clears would be a great time to ask for next month about manual things we can do to get a deal on rent. Thanks for reminding us. My husband is a personal trainer maybe he could give her free sessions!! Also, I found the section on amazon, don't know why I didn't think of that immediately.

***Also in other news, we sold three books, YAY!


Submitted by luv2laugh on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 18:50

( Posts: 66 | Credits: )

Hey luv2laugh,

I am truly sorry to hear about your situation.

Making $500 within 5 days is difficult but not impossible.

You mentioned that you would advertise rigorously?

I would suggest you do a quick study on blogging. (Lots of free info on the internet)

Create a free account on and implement adsense on it. (Yes, do a quick study on adsense)

Adsense is basically.. google will place advertisers on your blog and whoever that clicks on your advertisers' links, google will pay you a certain amt. (I belief even Vikas uses adsense- look around the site and you can see those ads by google towards the right of this page)

Ok.. write what you are passionate about- you mentioned that you are a fan of craiglist?

I suggest that you write on your success on craiglist and how can others can gain success on craiglist Belief me, it would generate traffic as I did not have luck on craiglist)

The above is just an example of what you can write on your blog.

So setting your blog + adsense should take you half a day to setup inclusive of learning what it is and etc...

Spend the rest of the days advertising for your blog-

(Google Adsense also has this thing called google referrals- another way you can make money is if your viewers were to click on a certain referrals link in your blog and they sign up either for newsletter or even make purchases themselves you will get a percentage of the deal.)

To summarize

(1) Read about Blogging
(2) Read about Google Adsense
(3) Set up a Blog site (Its FREE)
(4) Set up Google Adsense
(5) Write good contents (Contents that people are interested in)
(6) Start Advertising your blog

I belief that you should be able to hit$200- $300 if you play your cards right. (I am basing on experience)


Submitted by success4resource on Wed, 05/28/2008 - 06:00

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )


another thing that you can do which is also an add on to what I wrote about blogging.

There are a few Articles sites that would pay you to write

Examples -,

You can basically write on anything (But i suggest that you write on something you are passionate about)

You can generate money from those sites

Another method is you can look at sites like

Indicate what you can do and QUOTE your price and just wait for the bidders to bit your project.

The common ones are mostly website designing but there are others like copywriting- ad writing and etc

To summarize
(1) Look for articles directories that pay you to write
(2) Look for Freelance sites like those mentioned above
(3) quote your price per project
(4) Top it up with the blogging tips I gave you, you should be able to hit $500 or more

Let me know ok how it goes ok :)


Submitted by success4resource on Wed, 05/28/2008 - 06:12

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

I'm sorry about your sitution. It sounds awful, and now that it's the 18th of June, I hope you have gotten the money that you needed.
I'm always looking for ways to make some money. I'm a stay at home mom, so every bit helps us. Your post has given me some ideas for other ways I can make money. I didn't know about, so I'll be checking that out. I also didn't know that you could get money for plasma, so that might be something I look into as well. Other's mentioned some things that I'm going to check out too.
Good luck to you, and I have a few more ways to earn on my blog below (mostly gpt's) so if you are interested feel free to check it out.


Submitted by Amanda Sullivan on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 12:48

( Posts: 172 | Credits: )

luv2laugh - i, too, wonder how you did. I am in a similar situation.. i need $600 in about two weeks. i am working hard and earned a little but still. i'm almost beginning to regret settling with Capital One just because I urgently need this money. I just can't seem to make ends meet for some reason.. i plainly need to make more money, idk. but i really hope you did ok..


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 08:34

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I wished I had someone to come into my home and set up all this adsense, blog this and that, and all that. It sounds great, but to someone with no ideal how to get started I might as well go to NASA and hop on the next flight and fly it to the moom myself.

Anyone in my area, just stop on in and maybe we can do this and I will take you out to a great steak dinner and a movie for your service.



Submitted by Lukeskywalker on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 14:42

( Posts: 1909 | Credits: )

i'm really looking into starting a blog.. i want to make it money-based (like different ways to save and make money). I want to pay off my debts, I want to start saving and I want to live better. And i think people can relate to that really well these days. My main problem is that it all seems so time consuming! I work two jobs and don't get much free time to really sit down and work on this. but it has been in the back of my mind for some time now to start one.. even if it doesn't amount to money or anything, i still think it might be a neat idea..


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 08:34

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I hear ya bea21s, it is a neat ideal. I just need help here from my friends....whenever they have the time to hlep me set up a blog with adsense, google stuff, and etc. My offer still stands, if you come over to my home and set this up for me, I will take you and whoever your with out to a steak dinner or whatever you want and a movie on me. Hows that?

all the best,


Submitted by Lukeskywalker on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 14:06

( Posts: 1909 | Credits: )

Hi Bea2ls,

I am sorry for the late reply- like 3 months late :oops:

Yes you can make money from blogging.

(1) Go to
(2) Create an account
(3) Study how to implement adsense in your blog
(4) Always add good contents. Write things you are passionate about. E.G Cooking for idiots - I would be a loyal visitor for your blog, maybe you love pets- E.G Dogs- How to detect if your dog is sick and all in relation to dogs. You get the picture
(5) Promote- Look at a thread I created about E-Book, you can use the same methods I indicated to promote your blog

Now, this takes time. I have seen many of my online friends making as much as 10 to 20K a month just from blogging using adsense alone.

Oh Yes, an important thing to remember, never ever click on your own adsense link - they would find out and ban you

God Bless


Submitted by success4resource on Tue, 11/25/2008 - 06:45

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

10 to 20K a month? I find that hard to believe ;)
My blog is working quite well, I focus on GPTs and I have made some referrals. It makes me happy that they are making money (not just because that makes me money but because I really do want to help others).
I have a family member who is ill and home all the time and he is really trying to get into online money making. His internet will be set up on 12/4/08 and i am looking for tips for him.


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 11/25/2008 - 09:08

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Starting an internet business is not easy

To make an online income, you can never depend on those GPTs sites.

There are lots of internet marketing techniques and means of making money. And all of them are NOT easy

(1) Blogging for cash
(2) Affiliate Marketing
(3) Product Creation
(4) Video Marketing
(5) Membership sites

You would also need to know lots of Internet marketing Jargons and how tos


(1) Search Engine Optimization
(2) Domain Flippings
(3) Link Cloakers
(4) Domain Masking
(5) Back Links

Many more- like I said.. it is not easy


Submitted by success4resource on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 07:05

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

I'm in that same situation right now! Only I'm 28yrs old. i do not have partner to make half the rent., My rent is 850.00 I just rently lost my job. I just moved into this apartment right before ,I lost my job. i move in on the 7th. i lost my job 5days later. Rent will be due soon. I properly can hold out until the 7th. 0f june. What could I do?. I searching for work. I even was going to sub-lease my apartment , I put an ad on craiglist. Unemployment is taking way to long. I rather just work. Wondering if there a way, I could make this money an week. I have two uncle. i properly could ask... They will probably say no..Even though i never ask for anything. Can someone please help.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/27/2009 - 00:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )