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Submitted by on Mon, 05/19/2008 - 19:38
Posts: 202330

So I get married tomorrow. On Friday my paralegal tells me that I need 20 dollars for her to copy my paperwork. I tell her I dont have 20. But when I get home I will put a check in the mail. So I called her this morning at 830 and she had not checked the mail yet said that she would call me when she did. 3 pm I call her and she still had not been down there yet. Told me again she would call me when she got down there. I never got a call. So tomorrow I am gonna call her to see if it got in the mail on Monday and if not I am gonna drive to Santa Barabra and file my self. WTH is with this. I am doing my marriage confidential due to his job. But worse case is she puts it in the mail before I get to call her or she put it in there tonight!!!!! I AM STRESSING!!!!! He can not file BK again he just did so that we could start over together HELP!!!!