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Total and Permanant Disability- ForThe Disabled w/ Loans

Date: Thu, 05/08/2008 - 07:36

Submitted by amoriello
on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 07:36

Posts: 33 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3

Total and Permanant Disability- ForThe Disabled w/ Loans

There is a form you can download and fill out if you are totally and permanantly disabled. I am on SSD due to disability and I downloaded this form, I filled out my portion and my doctor filled out the required portion. If you fill this form out, ask your doctor be specific with date disability began and describe in detail how this disability affects your ability to work and function in the world.

Put the "https://" in front

Download the form and fill it out as required. The address where to send the form will be in the file you download. You must have Adobe 5.0 or higher to download it. The process takes 30-60 days. Hope this helps anyone else disabled.

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My apologies, that link does not seem to be working. try this link:

Then choose "Forms" at the top menu

Then on the right hand side you will see a list of forms. You want to go all the way down to where it says : "Other Forms"

Click on this and it will take you to the download location of the form I described in my first post.

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Submitted by amoriello on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 07:44

( Posts: 33 | Credits: )

This will totally and completely wipe out your loans if approved. It is conditional though, the first 3 years if your disability status changes you will receive the loans back with the interest accrued those three years. After 3 years, they are gone. Also once approved your loans and all entries in regard to your loans on your credit reports will be non-existent. I called the department last night to verify this. In essence, anything negative will go away as soon as you are approved. approval process takes between 30-60 days I am told.


Submitted by amoriello on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 07:52

( Posts: 33 | Credits: )