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Well it is all over for me as well

Date: Mon, 05/05/2008 - 17:15

Submitted by llw1995
on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 17:15

Posts: 1422 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 41

Well it is all over for me as well

All is well in PDL land today. As I posted over the weekend, I was still dealing with my last holdout, Star Advance. Since I could not find a processor for them, I contacted their own bank, Bank of the West, and spoke with their legal department. I did not get a response before the weekend so I decided to do some additional research and came up with an E.Harding, as the contact person, on the West Coast. I sent an email off, attaching my original C and D letter and explaining what has been going on. After going over some emails from Star, I traced back the details, and came up with an email address in Costa Rica. After sending the email, I received an email stating that it could not be delivered but if I went to this particular address I could be given access to delivery. After jumping through hoops there I was given a "key" to some secret society type thing and the email was then delivered. This morning I receive yet another email from Mr. Powell at Star Collections giving me the run around about how my bank closed my account, how I still owed them money (which I did) blah, blah, blah. I responded by telling him that I was waiting on a response from his bank's legal department. End of conversation for the day. I come home, walk my dogs, eat my dinner and decide to check my email once more. Low and behold, I have an email from the
"secret" society address. I open it up and this is what I found

Thank you for your email. Let me begin by apologizing that I am
just becoming aware of this issue, and that is unacceptable to me.

I have spent some time carefully reading your letter, which
contains a series of communications, and see that you have been
very reasonable throughout.

I see that you originally offered to pay $293.20 to settle this
issue, and had I been made aware I would have found that
acceptable. In the interim it seems to me that you have gone
through at least $293.20 worth of aggravation, and so I am going to
simply mark this Paid In Full right now as it stands.

Thank you,

Star Advance Customer Service


Just for good measure, I log onto Star's website and sure enough my account now says NO MORE BUSINESS, like that is ever gonna happen anyway.

When I came to this site in February, terrified and super broke, my wish was that I would be PDL free by the summer so I could enjoy my time from school without worry of who was coming after me and taking my money. I was told by several of the "experts" on this board that it would be over for me before I knew it. They were right. BUT, I could not have done it without the help of everyone on this board. My goal, now, is to hang around and help those who are still going through this hell. All I can say to them is, listen to the advice you get here. Don't give up until you get what you rightly deserve. It can be done. I am proof of that.


I have to say, that's the NICEST paid in full letter I've ever seen! Many of them try to blame the consumer for borrowing and not paying, when they actually overpaid or the lender isn't even licensed...but this one actually admitted you'd gone through "$293.20 worth of aggravation"...I love that statement made by a PDL!


Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 17:19

( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

gin. . .Star Advance is a very illusive group. I had very little contact with them other than emails. The person I kept sending my emails to was named Hillary. Actually, they were probably the most willing to compromise but it did take a while to get to the right person. I tried to find a processor for them but was unsuccessful. I know there bank is the Bank of the West and I went straight to them. I can give you the Legal Department if you need to speak with them. It is 402-918-1618, 8-5 CST. Since there was no additional processing info on them I am thinking that they use the bank to process as well. I sent an email off to the west coast. If you pm me, I can give you that address, as well as the one in Costa Rica. I don't think there are too many of us involved with them, or at least I haven't seen many, so this is probably new to them. Again, I can't stress enough the importance of contacting their processors, or higher ups in the chain of insanity. Contact me if I can help.


Submitted by llw1995 on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 03:56

( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

Oh kash. . no problem. I would be more than glad to help. I can't believe that is 3 short months I have managed to squash all of them. Again, I couldn't have done it without the help of those on this board. I hope my experience helps others see that it can be done. I have never been a quitter and I fight for what I think is right and appropriate. Hopefully those still struggling with this will get the encouragement they need to forge ahead.


Submitted by llw1995 on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 04:32

( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

llw, I am so happy to read you are done. That is the best news. Thank you so much for posting. It is good for the other members to see there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are lucky to have you here and I am really happy you will continue to stick around. As Cannr would say, I am happy dancing for you!!! :D


Submitted by RoxyNY on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 12:58

( Posts: 4178 | Credits: )

Roxy. . . .I wouldn't even think of leaving the board. Everyone has been so helpful that I am hoping that I will be able to do the same for the next person who needs help. These PDLs are pure evil and the head games they play are just uncalled for. I'm here for the long haul. It's the least I can do to repay the fortunes this board has given to me.


Submitted by llw1995 on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 15:57

( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

It would seem that this situation has become a passion for me. There are many things I don't like about the PDL business but the main thing is taking advantage of those who are most needy. When I came here I thought I was going to lose my mind with worry. I didn't think I would EVER be free of these low lifes. But, with the support of the good folks on here, I am now the victor. With the right conditions, anyone can accomplish anything. I can't tell you the amount of hours I spent going over and over the posts, staying up all hours of the night trying to figure a way out of this hell. AND, believe it or not, thank God for the flu this year. It gave me time to get back on track and gather my thoughts, and paperwork that I needed to move forward, in spite of feeling pretty drained. Be strong my friends. There really is a light at the end of a dark, dark, tunnel.


Submitted by llw1995 on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 17:32

( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )


Glad to hear you have been able to get away from this trap!! I'm hoping to do the same in the near future. Its depressing being broke, despite making a large salary!

I would appreciate any information as far as what you wrote as far as Ciese Emails and emails to processors, as calling processors has gotten me nowhere! Who did you copy on the emails? Did you have any problems with people hitting your account after you sent the emails?


Submitted by jrperry_msu on Sat, 05/10/2008 - 14:30

( Posts: 31 | Credits: )

Once I sent my C and D letter they never tried to debit my account, to the best of my knowledge. My account was closed before the next round of payments would hit and I notified them of such so they have a lot of notice. Yes, it is depressing to see your hard earned money go out the proverbial window. But there is hope. Simply put, this is how it went down for me. I called Intercept EFT and told them that UsFastCash was debiting my account when the authorization was revoked. Cindy is the person I spoke with and she sent an email right off while I was on the phone. She assured me I would be hearing from them. She didn't seem to happy about the situation. Call back and ask to speak with her. I also called Bremer Bank and reported them as well. Bremer is their originator. I then prepared an email to Intercept, which I sent via their general website, contact us section. I attached my C and D letter to Intercept which outlined the standard, don't contact me, don't take my money, I've contacted the AG's office, etc. so they would know that I had in fact withdrawn my ACH authorization. Before I closed it, I copied over that complaint to another email which I immediately sent off to UsFastCash. Now they knew that the processor was aware that they were having them debit a revoked account. And that was that. A done deal. PIF in hand within 30 hours. Star Advance was a littler harder to track down but I had the name of their bank as well. I called their Legal Department and explained the whole sorrid tale to them. Then by back tracking and following details of an email I received from Star themselves I was able to find an email address for the administrator in Costa Rica. After much nonsense I got my email delivered to that person and within a day I had a very nice email stating that I had already been through enough and they were marking my account PIF. UsFastCash never got their last $30 and Star never got their last $293. And that my friend was the end of my relationship with the PDL world. The key is persistence. If you don't get what you want the first time, try again, and again until you do. As James has stated this is not a one solution problem. There are SO many twists and turns that it has to be tackled one step at a time. James set my wheels in motion and I took that ball and ran with it. I am so glad I did. I did have to do much searching on my own but I was bound and determined to get these slugs out of my life one way or another. My teeth in the backside of the PDL world paid off for me. All I can say is, keep up the fight and don't back down. I can honestly say that with the 5 PDLs I had I have paid nothing back but what they deposited into my account and in the last two cases, less than. Know that help is here if you need it.


Submitted by llw1995 on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 12:24

( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

Thank you!! All your help is much appreciated!! SO glad I found this site! I contacted Cindy at Intercept... much more helpful than the first person I had talked to. She is going to call ameriloan and 500FastCash and get me the best email to send my revoke and PIF request to. I'm going to send my letters and copy Cindy on them and hopefully that will work. FINGERS CROSSED!!!


Submitted by jrperry_msu on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 08:33

( Posts: 31 | Credits: )

It appears so!! I went to both websites, and they are both marked as being paid off, although I haven't gotten any written response!

I am on an extended payment plan with Checksmart (which is legal) and I figure I might as well just finish that one off. Now onto Impact, CAN and myloansusa, which should be easy since they are illegal. Does anybody know the processor for CASHNETUSA? I've been paying them for about a year also, and could really use that refund! :)


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 16:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

That is great news! You might not ever hear from them as far as a PIF is concerned. Can you somehow copy off the website page so you have proof that your account in PIF? That's what I have done with some while working on them. Sorry I don't know who processes from CashNetUsa. Just call Intercept or ACHC on any of them to see if they process. I did find, however, that sometimes it is a bank to bank ACH. Can you call your bank's ACH department and find out who the bank is for those PDLs? That might give you some insight as to who processes for them.


Submitted by llw1995 on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 18:20

( Posts: 1422 | Credits: )

Can anybody help me with the e-mail address of star advance?
Since some of you guys have already got your PIF from them I wanna try and get mine. I had a 275$ loan with them and I paid over 300$ in fees so far; I think I should ask for a PIF right away but I would need a real e-mail address...can anybody help me with that?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/02/2009 - 13:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )