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Helping me Help Others

Date: Mon, 04/14/2008 - 03:01

Submitted by Amaranth
on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 03:01

Posts: 271 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 9

Helping me Help Others

Actually, this was originally a post I posted as a reply to another topic in another area of the forum, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was actually in some way a success story, and an illustration of how wonderful this forum is and how beneficial it is to be part of it. So I thought I would go ahead and post it here.

Last night ( I work a 6pm to 2 am shift. Blech ) while on one of my breaks, I happened to sit down with a fellow co-worker. We did the usual "meet and greet", talking about how things were going, and she happened to say, "damn, we just got paid the other day and I already had to take out ANOTHER loan". I asked her what kind of loan it was, and she said, "a payday loan".

So I asked her some questions and she told me she had about 4 storefronts and 3 internets and how she has been stuck in this vicious cycle for months and months where she is constantly taking out new ones to pay off old ones, and then taking out more to pay bills on top of that.

You have no idea how wonderful this forum has been, because I just sat right there and educated her on what she could do, what options were available to her, and what her rights were. She felt so much better and now has a plan of action to get out of the PDL cycle, and I was able to help her and inform her based on all the things I have since learned by being part of these forums.

Knowledge is power ^_~x These forums are fantastic.

I'm glad you had an opportunity to help your friend. I bet your friend felt better on handle different issues now.


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 03:19

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

Isnt it a great feeling to know that you may have made a difference in this persons life? I love that and scince i have been here for 2 short months i have learned so much that i did not know and am still learning.

just the other day i was speaking to my husband about how i read that these bottom feeder collectors were taking old debts and calling people at work threatining judgement after like 10 years sol clearly expired, or not even thier debts just scammers. I know my husband gets worked up over that stuff so i could warn him ahead of time to tell these people to buzz off if they called.

if i have learned one thing here it is that knowledge is power and its a great feeling to be able to know something for a fact and that they can bs you.


Submitted by love_my_things on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 10:11

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

This community has been a real help to me. Almost a year back I was in a payday loan mess. The situation was very similar as mentioned by Amaranth. I was looking for relief and while surfing the net I bumped on this forum. I have learned a lot from this community and hopefully I???ll not make any pdl mistakes in the future.

Fyi, some of the informative pages I have found in this site are given below: -

Dealing With Illegal Payday Lenders

Internet Lending in all 50 states

IMPORTANT - Read before closing your bank account due to pdl

State Payday Loan Laws Made Simple

Getting the ACH processor involved


Submitted by phoenix on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 18:34

( Posts: 1445 | Credits: )

Sorry guys- things have been hectic on my end for awhile, so I've been able to log in as much to the forum as I was able to months ago ( taking that second job may be paying down my debts, but it's also creating 14-hour work days 5 days a week and 6 hours a day the other 2 days. Barely have time for anything anymore! ), but noticed that this thread has gotten some action since I posted it long ago, so I figured that the least I could do was update you guys :)

As to my co-worker, yes, after I initially spoke to her and pointed to this forum, she was able to get herself out of that PDL mess by going onto payment plans with the storefronts and closing her account on the illegals and last I talked to her, she hasn't been in the same position since :)

Thanks for your comments as always, guys, and thanks, Phoenix, for compiling those links! Those will definitely come in handy for others looking for information that aren't quite sure where to begin :)


Submitted by Amaranth on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 18:27

( Posts: 271 | Credits: )