Student Loans Discharged for Disability
Date: Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:17
Student Loans Discharged for Disability
I had an injury in 2000 and was labeled "Permanently and Totally Disabled" by my doctors in 2004 as a result. Consequently, I am now considered "Disabled" under state guidelines (I was a state employee and now receive full disability benefits) and the Social Security Administration (I now receive full disability benefits).
I had student loans which I had been making regular, timely payments to when I was disabled. I filed the proper paperwork for the discharge as allowed for Stafford Loans. Within six months, my original loan holder had been paid in full (I have a zero balance statment from them) by the guarantor. Ae year and a half after filing the discharge paperwork...............the guarantor has decided that I am NOT disabled and decided to reinstate my loans and sent them to another loan handler for collection. (This company is not a Collection Agency, they simply handle the loan and do the billing.) The guarantor refuses to put into writing as to how they come to this conclusion, and they claim they aren't required to. The guaranor is part of the federal government, how do you argue with them?
I have been seen by no less than six doctors who all agree that I am disabled and incapable of working. The Social Security judge found me disabled. How is it that the guarantor, who has my complete medical file, can go against the Social Security Administration and six doctors?
Has anyone ever had to deal with this type of situation? Other than an attorney (which I cannot afford) what are my options?
Thanks in advance..........Caroline
Having a loan cancelled under total and permanent disability is
Having a loan cancelled under total and permanent disability is very difficult as the guarantors have higher criteria for cancellation than does SSI. Student loans are not just looking at the present....they are looking to the future and if the nature of your disability can be corrected.
I am on total permanent disability and have to prove to them eve
I am on total permanent disability and have to prove to them every year that I didn't work. Pain the a$$ what I have is something that does not have a cure or vaccination yet for it, it is MS.. God I wish there was a cure or vaccination for it. I think it is totally unfair that they do not take into consideration. :twisted:
Just had to send them proof of no earned income except for my disability once a month. :twisted:
I have been pre-approved. Waiting for final approval. Agoraphobi
I have been pre-approved. Waiting for final approval. Agoraphobia and now cancer... can't hardly pay the medical bills let alone the interest on SL's.