Stimulus Payment....
Date: Tue, 03/18/2008 - 13:55
Submitted by lovedalehpbear
Tue, 03/18/2008 - 13:55
Total Replies: 7
Stimulus Payment....
Stimulus Payment Schedule for Tax Returns Processed by April 15 Economic stimulus payments will be issued according to the last two-digits of the main filer's Social Security number. People who use direct deposit also will be among the first to receive the payments starting May 2. Paper checks will be put in the mail starting May 16. DIRECT DEPOSIT Last two SSN digits: Payment will be transmitted: 00 through 20 May 2 21 through 75 May 9 76 through 99 May 16 PAPER CHECK Last two SSN digits: Payments will be mailed by: 00 through 09 May 16 10 through 18 May 23 19 through 25 May 30 26 through 38 June 6 39 through 51 June 13 52 through 63 June 20 64 through 75 June 27 76 through 87 July 4 88 through 99 July 11 People who file a return after April 15 will receive their economic stimulus payment, but probably about two weeks later than the schedule shows. A return must be filed by October 15 in order to receive a stimulus payment this year. See the online calculator for an estimate of the amount you will receive. Related Items: * IR-2008-44, IRS Announces Economic Stimulus Payment Schedules, Provides Online Payment Calculator Return to Economic Stimulus Payment Information Center |
Not a problem at all - the more info we can get out about this,
Not a problem at all - the more info we can get out about this, the better, as it's been confusing to many.
This info is also available on the IRS website ( - and there is a calculator on their site now where you can enter some basic info from your tax return to find out exactly how much to expect in your stimulus payment.
stimulus checks
how would one know if any deductions are taken from the rebate check.will the deduction be shown on the letter when it arrives?
how much will social security disability get & when
how much will social security disability get & when
I just filed my taxes and my stimulas for 2009 was included in m
I just filed my taxes and my stimulas for 2009 was included in my claim. So I will not be getting a check this year..LOL! I am glad because we have to pay it back at the end of the year anywayz :?
dont feel bad sd, the stimulas makes my head spin! were getting
dont feel bad sd, the stimulas makes my head spin! were getting a check, were not getting a check, were getting a tax break to were getting a check. I am so confused about this hole senerio that i lost interest! I read awhile back that if you have 2 jobs they may give you the tax break twice then you would owe it next year on taxes. So frankly i told my husbands employers to just keep taking it out. if we were ment to have it we will recieve it on our refund next year. Im doin ok without my 15 dollars a week, so to be safe i just told them to continue as usual. Im so confused now cause someone told me the other day we are now getting checks again! lets just say im not counting on it!