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$50 for a testing DebtCC website

Date: Thu, 03/13/2008 - 00:38

Submitted by Vikas
on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 00:38

Posts: 2019 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 4

$50 for a testing DebtCC website

"We need to have a few people look at our Web site
and give us some feedback. It's very easy, and would take about 30 minutes. And you'll be paid $50 for your time."

  • Video recorder.
  • A friend (or anyone) who can spare 30 mins and is looking for debt help. (only applicable in US).

    How to test
  • Invite a person (say Tester A) for test: You don’t have to feel like you’re imposing if you ask friends or neighbors to participate. Most people enjoy the experience. It’s fun to have someone take your opinion seriously.
  • Record the video: Ask a few things about the background of the tester and how often he uses website, his favorite website. Then tester A sits in front of computer monitor, you with video recorder will capture his experience with the site. Also you can answer some of his queries as in what to do and asks questions.
  • Upload the video to and write a small summary of your experience and observation below this thread.
  • Earn $50*.

    * We are expecting the testing video to be useful else the money can be reduced.

    Only available for 4 users (first post basis) this month. Total budget $200. Please use this opportunity to earn more while having fun.

    Please read the next post to understand more about the testing.


  • Important Guidelines

    • Don't brief them about DebtCC before testing.
    • Try to avoid their face or anything to keep their privacy else get their permission.
    • Capture the website action and the queries as clearly as possible.

    Queries to ask while doing the test

    • What are you thinking? OR What are you looking for? - Try to see the thought balloons forming over their heads. The main thing you????????re trying to do is observe their thought process. Whenever you????????re not sure what they????????re thinking, ask them. If the user has been staring at the screen for ten seconds, ask, "What are you looking at?" or "What are you thinking?"
    • Don????????t give them hints about what to do. It????????s a lot like being a therapist. If they
      say, "I????????m not sure what to do next," you should say, "What do you think you should do?" or "What would you do if you were at home?"
    • Keep your instructions simple.

    Some tips
  • Be nice to them. If they get stuck, don????????t let them get too frustrated. Be sure to pat them on the back (figuratively), and thank them (sincerely) when you????????re done.

    Please read before doing the test. There is a complete conversation available on how to carry on the testing.

    Good luck,

  • lrhall41

    Submitted by Vikas on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 00:55

    ( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )