Date: Fri, 02/29/2008 - 09:44
It sounds like the J'O Neil student loan "pauperism" scam.
Looks like Debt jurisprudence want to charge you like $5 or $6,000 to cancel a student loan that you can do on your own! I have cancelled student loans because of a death in the family. is pretty shameful charging $6k for this student loan service!!
They cannot cancel student loans unless you qualify. If you qua
They cannot cancel student loans unless you qualify. If you qualify under rare conditions, you can do your own paperwork without the help of these type of rip off companies.
For what it's worth, several of my friends and I signed up with
For what it's worth, several of my friends and I signed up with Debt Jurisprudence last year and all of us had credit card and student loan debts. Nobody in the company that we spoke with ever said they cancel or eliminate debts of any kind, or said anything that was untrue. Everything we were told was easily verified by reading their web site and watching the movie they now have on it. Everybody I know that signed up with them is satisfied with the results and service they provided and out of debt.
hmmmmm....laura in springfield posted this same note on the ripo
hmmmmm....laura in springfield posted this same note on the ripoff report site.
Student loan companies will not negotiate with third party companies such as this as they want direct contact with the borrower or attorney.
Debt Jurisprudence
Debt Jurisprudence has NO solution for you if you get sued PERIOD. If you go into their program and get sued after paying them $1000's of dollars, they will say sorry here are the yellow pages maybe you can find a lawyer...LOL
Debt Jrisprudence
Dave Kramer is the owner of Debt Jurisprudence and claimed on a conference call that he has an 84% rate of settleing debts for 0% of what is owed and he also claimed that only 1% of his customers get sued..........Dave Kramer is BS artist.
Dave also claims that Debt Jurisprudence has been in business since 1994....that is a the Missouri Sec of State.
People should trust but VERIFY
Soaplady, you say that student loan companies will not negotiate
Soaplady, you say that student loan companies will not negotiate with third party companies, only directly with the borrower or attorney. What kind of lawyer would I need to deal with a student loan debt?
Is there any special reason why you would want to use an attorne
Is there any special reason why you would want to use an attorney?? Most attorneys know squat about student loans and from my experience make a lot of mistakes because they do not know the ins and outs.
I owe a huge student loan and i can't afford the payments. I'm
I owe a huge student loan and i can't afford the payments. I'm on an income contigent payment plan, been on it for years, but it doesn't even come close to covering the interst and so the insterest just accrues -- making the debt even larger. I'm getting into a deep whole with no way out.
I may need to let the loan go into default, but if i do i want an attorney to handle the issue, protect my accounts and assets, and negotiate a settlement.
Defaulting on it will only result in collection fees being added
Defaulting on it will only result in collection fees being added to the account in the amount of 20% and that is generally what they settle you would end up basically with the sambe balance you have now. Believeme,an attorney wont get you much better settlement.
Have you talked to DL about having your payments lowered? The will often make adjustments if you can show the legitmate expenses.
I was looking at this company at one point and had this very unc
I was looking at this company at one point and had this very uncomfortable feeling about it. So ultimately, we decided to put down the first payment, and then visit the facilities, (since we could not verify the facilities any other way, and the owner made the claim of having a certain number of inhouse employees, etc.. ) Then, by the grace of god, the owner cancelled the contract with us, (I guess we were asking too many questions) and for that I am grateful!
I think this company is full of BS. And in general, its not a good business practice to pay such horrendous fees up front like that. That is what really did it for me. Under their pricing structure, they want a lot of money up front, and you can not verify anything on the company!
Additionally, there are several companies that do the same exact thing for a fraction of the cost, AND they do not insist on only corresponding via email. (like Jurisprudence does)
The other thing I did not like, was the refund period. 5 days? Everything has to be faxed or emailed, but when it comes to the inception of the contract, all of a sudden, you must mail it in to get started. Hmmmm....