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Date: Thu, 02/21/2008 - 18:21

Submitted by anonymous
on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 18:21

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3


OK. We had our income tax return intercepted for a defaulted student loan of my husbands (the tax return taken was 5,900.). Sallie Mae says we show 0 balance with them and referred me to United Student Aid Funds. I had a run around with their automated system, but, got referred yet again from there to Allied Inc. Here is the kicker.... I contacted them. I wanted to resolve the issue before the next income tax return. They were very nice and we were working out a payment plan over the phone. I had agreed to pay $60 a month on the balance. I was stupid and gave my debit card numbers out over the phone and my husbands place of employment. I had agreed to start making those automated monthly debits. He said he would send me the paper work to get started and to fax them back quickly. They emailed them to me. I print them and then read them. NO NO NO. They put no balance. They put what my monthly payments would be on there but not how many of those payments and when they would end. I called "JAKE" back and asked for better paper work. I would not be signing these. All I asked for was more detailed paperwork. It turned ugly...... so my questions are (1.) Can Allied garnish my husbands wages? (2.) Since I gave my debit card numbers to him can he deduct whatever he wants for eternity?.... (3.) Are these guys legit? (4.) What do I do?


I am going to send the certified letter and am trying to speak to a human at United Student Aid funds (my credit report shows united student aid funds as having it tho they say they dont. On the report it only shows Allied as "Regular Inquiries"


HI Debb! i am so sorry that this should happen to you. you should not have given them your debit cards numbers. i don't know this can be worked out or not, but can't you possibly close your current account and open another account i another bank? no, they can't debit your account for eternity, there is law. but once your account number is out, i don't think that you should keep that account any longer.


Submitted by laurel188 on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 05:07

( Posts: 110 | Credits: )

Student loans do not follow the same rules as regular consumer debts.

Allied in this case is a contractor for the federal government. You are fine with automated withdrawal when it comes to student loans only. The computer system for the these contracts are completely seperate from the rest of companies network.

With defaulted loans, when you are assinged to a collection agency the guarantor will no longer talk to you....all communication must be done over the phone with the CA. They will not respond to written inquiries so save your money.

You will get very limied paperwork from them in regards to making payments. When you default, your balance becomes due in full immediately as per the prom note. Yes, the authorization should say $60/month....change it, initial it, then sign it and return it. Other than that, will get no other payment agreement.

No they cannot garnish your husbands wages.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 05:50

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )