Is there anything i can do?
Date: Mon, 01/28/2008 - 12:09
Is there anything i can do?
I have a student loan in default. This year i was hurt at work and unable to pay. My loan went into default and my tax refund was offset. Can anyone help me with this?
Tax refunds can be taken for student loans, child support and ot
Tax refunds can be taken for student loans, child support and other defauted taxes. There is nothing you can do about waht was taken, but you can try to get on a pay plan for the rest of the loan.
When you were injured you should have applied for a temp disabil
When you were injured you should have applied for a temp disabiltiy deferment or economic hardship deferment, However now that you are in default, the only way to prevent them in the future from doing so it to get back into repayment. I would recommend that you rehab the loan to bring it current.