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How default student loan is recovered

Date: Thu, 09/29/2005 - 15:50

Submitted by 4u.bryan
on Thu, 09/29/2005 - 15:50

Posts: 819 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 7

How default student loan is recovered

A particular time span is assigned to student loans after which it is declared as default. During this specific time period, the loan is said to be delinquent. This time span could be 270 days to 330 days depending upon the type of loan, date of loan disbursement etc.

When the loan is delinquent try hard to keep it current and avoid default, because once it's declared default, you lose a bunch of facilities. So be attentive and remember student loans have no SOL and you have to pay it.

During delinquent period the lender tries to contact you and inform you the negative consequences of defaulting. If the loan is defaulted somehow, some federally recognized collection agencies are assigned to collect the debt and they may take up following steps to recover the debt-
  • Wage garnishment – For federal student loan wage garnishment is possible without any court order. Borrower's employer is obliged to forward 10% to 15% of the wage towards the lender.

  • Federal Employee Salary Offset Program – Federal employees may undergo a salary offset of up to 15%.

  • Additional collection cost – The cost of collecting the debt is charged form the borrower. Basically the collection agency receives a commission on debt recovery from the federal government and this amount is charged from the borrower.

  • Legal proceedings – Legal actions can be taken against the borrower any time.

  • Credit report is damaged – Lender reports it to the credit bureaus and credit report starts showing the account as a default.
Once your loan is defaulted, you lose the scope of applying for forbearance, deferment and further federal grant. So always aim not to be defaulter on a student loan. Check how to avoid student loan defaults.


Welcome to forums.

Remember few things. Student loan has no SOL; you have to pay it anyway. It can be cancelled under some specific circumstances only. So never neglect them and continue with on time payments. Try to prepare a budget for yourself and stick to it.

Make sure that you know all the options that you can apply to keep your account current. Whenever you feel that you might be defaulter, negotiate with your lender. Your lender can offer you some specific alternatives to stay current on your student loan accounts.

Consolidation is definitely a good option to pay off student loans. You can go for a consolidation even when you're in school. It can help you to lock your loan with a low rate of interest.

Go through this forum to get some more knowledge and feel free to ask your questions here in future.



Submitted by 4u.bryan on Sat, 10/01/2005 - 10:12

( Posts: 819 | Credits: )

What if it is already defaulted? Are you just out of luck at that point?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 12:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Federal government offers so many tools to avoid defaults. However, if you are already defaulted, there are doors open for you yet. Rehabilitation is the process that erases the default tag from your account and makes it current again.

Once you are back to the track, you become eligible to receive further federal aid. Moreover, your credit looks better after getting the default status removed from your credit file. Get more info on rehabilitation here-


Submitted by 4u.bryan on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 12:49

( Posts: 819 | Credits: )

can you still try Rehabilitation even after the collectors have sent notice to employer for wage garnishment or is it to late?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 09:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Welcome to forums :D

See, it completely depends upon the collection agency. Contact the CA immediately. Once they start garnishing your wage, rehabilitation would not be possible, because the theme of rehabilitation program is timely voluntary payment.

Speak to them and be prepared to pay comparatively high monthly installments, otherwise they will not accept it. Try to be persistent with your payments this time.

P.S. You can also contact with your lender, if time permits. They might help you in this matter.


Submitted by 4u.bryan on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 10:05

( Posts: 819 | Credits: )


Unpaid student loans are real burden.

That's right! The interest explodes out of control once the loan defaults and the fees are astronomical! It's best to stay in control of them. even if it feels like your chasing your tail, treading water, juggling, etc. It's stressful, not doubt, but that's how it has to be done.


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Sun, 03/05/2006 - 18:02

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )