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Chapter 7

Submitted by on Sun, 01/20/2008 - 14:41
Posts: 202330

Ok - this is going to be long...I'll try to make it short. I have a foreclosure and 2 repos on my credit due to the closing of a business. My credit is shot. It is so bad that I cry just thinking about it. The business that we owned was a family business. My sister has since filed chap. 7 and rebuilt her credit rating over the last 2 years. I need to file and start over, but I cannot afford an attorney. I know someone who used a paralegal, but I am new to this area (Virginia) and I don't know where I would find a paralegal? Please help, I need to get this started and make progress in rebuilding my credit. This is a daily obsession because I am so hurt over just how bad my credit is.

Thank you

I don't know about a paralegal. Now I'm in PA but I don't think it matters what state your in. If you are going to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy you need to be absolutely certain that it is being filed properly. I filed a bankruptcy using some paralegal service over 4 years ago and just now have had enough and I am actually paying a lawyer to correct my bankruptcy. I sounds crazy but its true! Besides, filing for bankruptcy will not make the foreclosure and repos come off your credit. It only means that no one can harass you about it or try to collect the debt owed. Unfortunately bankruptcy might've helped you before the foreclosure and repos but now you may just have to deal with the blow and move on. Two suggestions for rebuilding your credit would be a secured credit card and searching for auto dealers that will work with damaged credit and take out a SMALL auto loan. Make sure they report to the credit bureaus though or it will do you no good. Hope that helps. Keep your head up.

Submitted by Scott McKay on Sun, 01/20/2008 - 20:31

Scott McKay

( Posts: 108 | Credits: )

If you have no assets, no secured debts, and can follow directions, it's not that hard to file chapter 7 for yourself. It's just filling in the spaces on the forms. But you have to read the directions and follow them to the T.

I did the paperwork myself last year, and had no problems. I also had a very straightforward case though.

Submitted by goudah2424 on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 13:00


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