Success with World Wide Cash Now
Date: Tue, 01/15/2008 - 12:02
Success with World Wide Cash Now
If anyone can tell me what's the best way to post it, I will put it out there. I must say I laid the law down guys!!
I am so happy for you.....this is great news! You can copy a
I am so happy for you.....this is great news!
You can copy and paste it on here if you would like.
World Wide Cash Now - letter I sent
Here is the letter that I send to World Wide Cash Now:
My name is Karmin King and my social is *******, look up my account. I am writing this letter to you revoking any and all ACH paments from my account by World Wide Cash Now. The reason I am revoking the ACH payments is due to the overpayment of my loan with World Wide Cash Now. I took out a loan with World Wide Cash Now, back in June of 2007. The first debit of $89 came out my account on July 15 and continues to come out. I have currently overpaid World Wide Cash Now, by $779. Th total amount of fees I paid is $1068, less the $200 I received, plus the interest; I have overpaid this loan by $779.00. I have contacted my States Attorney Generals Office and have been advised of my rights. According to them, not only have I entitled to a refund, by you have broken several Missouri State lasw for lending payday loans; and are actually not legally able to do business in Missouri. The one that sticks out the most is "the loan must be paid down by 5% each time the loan is renewed. However, the loan can only be renewed 5 times. I have called World Wide Cash Now and was told by one of your representatives that you can not pay down on a loan, that's a no-no according to our Missour laws. With that said, I am entitled to a refund of $779.00. I would also like a PAID IN FULL notice sent to the email adress that you have on file for me. If I do not hear from World Wide Cash Now in a prompt mannger, I will be giving your number and address to The Missour State Attorney's Office; and also filing a complaint with the BBB. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. |
Very good! I hope you get at least something back....I havent h
Very good! I hope you get at least something back....I havent heard of many companies given out refunds but a PIF would be wonderful.
I liked the "no no part :P "
I am most certainly glad with the outcome. Mind you I couldn't
I am most certainly glad with the outcome. Mind you I couldn't copy and paste the original letter because I didn't want to save in on my computer at work. Anyone can go to your directory in my department and view documents. So I had to quickly type it all over again to post it here, hince the typographical errors!
Karmin that is wonderful. Keep us posted. It is so nice to hear
Karmin that is wonderful. Keep us posted. It is so nice to hear success stories.
Congrats and do keep us posted on that refund. ladybug
Congrats and do keep us posted on that refund.
Wow, I learn so much from this board. I didn't realize that the
Wow, I learn so much from this board. I didn't realize that the ACH payments on PDL's were refundable, or illegal. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with your refund!
Update on World Wide Cash Now REFUND!
Ok, guys! Here's the skinny! I have been dealing with a really nice lady that is representing World Wide Cash Now. Since they are out of the UK, she ahs been corresponding with them for me. She has really been following up on this, I mean really doing a good job. Since the last time I posted, she has sent me several emails updating me on the progess. Monday of this week she sent me a email saying that she contacted WWC and they had sent a letter to her regarding my refund. She said that she should get it by Wednesday, which is today; and said that she would email with that the letter says. Well, just as she promised, she emailed me this morning and said:
Good Morning,
I followed up on the letter you will be receiving. I need to wait until you receive your letter before I can process any refund. Please contact me when you receive your letter from the UK and we will settle up. I was told that you will be pleased."
I was too excited with this info, so I emailed her back and asked her when I would be receiving my letter, the amount of the refund,etc, and she replied:
I only got a ball-park figure and it is sizeable. That????????s why you have to wait til you get their letter. I know it was mailed on Monday. However, since it goes through the UK post office and the US post office, it could take up to a week to 10 days."
This is wonderful news, I didn't have to push and pull and argue with these people. All I did was send them the letter back on Jan 14 and this lady took it from there.
Hold out if you are dealing with them. Fax a letter to them like I did and just wait. I didn't even have to wait two days before she responded to my letter. I send it on Jan 14 and had a response on Jan 15 when I came into work.
Success with World Wide Cash Now
This will be my last post regarding World Wide Cash Now! It hasn't been quite a month yet, but I have closed the deal! I received my letter from World Wide Cash Now, in the mail this past Saturday and it read that they will be refunding the full $779 as requested! I will have the money this week! I don't have the letter here with me at home right now (left it at work), but they pretty much said that they did not solict the loan, and that I sought them out; and agreed to the UK loan laws. They also said that they do not agree with the portion of my letter that states the loan was illegal. However, I must say that I do not recall them telling that they were out of the UK. They also said that they do not get many complaints, and because they are in the last stages of closing down their operations, as a show of good will they will refund the full $779 as requested. If they do not get complaints why are they closing down a GOOD operation!
Well I only has three to deal with and have finalized them all! I will check back periodically to see if I can assist someone as different ones from this site have assisted me.