First National Collection Bureau: How to deal with this collector
Date: Sun, 12/09/2007 - 08:08
First National Collection Bureau: How to deal with this collector
It said a judgment was already awarded against me, but they were willing to give me a break - if I pay 60% of the debt in two payments they would clear my record. They even said "the lien would be removed". I'm no lawyer, but to me a lien is a hold against something of high value, like a house or car - how could they be awarded a lien on cc debt?
Anyway....I did my homework & there is no judgment and now First National will soon be cutting me a check for violating the fdcpa.
I have an attorney that is getting ready to file a lawsuit....and if First National was stupid enough to use this scare tactict on others it will be a class action suit.
Chalk one up for the little guy!
Nice job munchkin! Way to question the verbiage on the letter!
Nice job munchkin! Way to question the verbiage on the letter!
Another success story! A company being sued for it's own stupid
Another success story! A company being sued for it's own stupidity.
Please keep us informed how this goes! I can't believe they are
Please keep us informed how this goes! I can't believe they are stupid enough to put all of that in writing!! Good for u though!
Score one for the good people,
Failure to Communicate Properly
When First National Collections called, they wanted to leave a number. Since the party in question was not available and had filed for bankruptcy, I tried to give them the attorney's phone number, but they hung up on me. Guess they didn't want to save themselves some time, and the expense of phone calls!
First National Collection Bureau Inc
I just got a letter from these individuals trying to get me for more than $50k. In the letter they say I owe money to Chase Bony. I never made business with them and even worse they say that I have to send them a letter in 30 days to let them know I do not owe any money...
This is a big scam and somebody has to stop this if you know of any Class Action please let me know so I can put my name on it.
First National collection Bureau Inc
Does anybody know any class action against these individuals?? I want to put my name on it... They just sent me a letter saying that I owe more than $50K to Chase (something is not true) Does anybody know the name of the Attorney I have to contact?
First National Collection Bureau
I recently received a letter in the mail stating the same thing. the letter letter is titled Credigy Receivables. It states there is already a judgement against me confirming my liability. I am concerned at how they got info from my bank and what I can do about it. I will be letting my bank know today.
to all
when you create a debt that you cant remember but your ssn is attached n its a judgement maybe you should check with your credit report for public records,check with laws in your state regaurding length of times that a judgement can stay in affect,also you cant get a judgment fraudulantly there are many steps that take place
First National Collections
They have sent me notices from a past due bill that HAS been paid off 4 yrs. ago. I have proof from a credit report from Trans Union stating debt paid in full, yet they want money. Who are these guys? Where do they get off on sending me a bill that has been paid off.They have hassled my parents via phone calls and letters as well. How can I sue these guys or get them off back help !
I've now received two collection letters for my ex-husband. (We
I've now received two collection letters for my ex-husband. (We've been divorced almost 10 years, so I know my name wasn't on any credit applications he made.) I send these idiots a letter after the first notice and am getting ready to send another. This time I'm threatening legal action for harassment. Anyone know a lawyer who would take this pro bono? Like many of us, I'm pretty broke.
EdCombs (Chicago) has helped me on several occassions. They are
EdCombs (Chicago) has helped me on several occassions. They are a consumer rights attorney. I don't know if they practice outside of IL, but maybe you could contact them to see if they could recommend someone in your area.
They won 2 cases on CL FDCPA violations & gave me advise on another. First case was Class Action, 2nd was the one I described in my original post here & I won $2,500. I have no idea what EdCombs got, but who cares. I never had to go to their office. I've never even met them. All I did was contact them because I was questioning a CL - they asked me to send letter over. If they think it's worth their time they take your case & do everything for you. I never even had to go to court - both cases were settles out of court.
I could be wrong on this, but if you want to hire an attorney I suggest looking for a big firm that specialized in consumer rights - not just some guy out of your local phone book because that guy (I think) you will wind up having to pay retainer fee just to take your case.
I think when you go with a bigger firm that specialized in consumer rights they can tell by looking at your documents if they are going to win - this way they can be selective about who they help. If they think you have a good case that will undoubtely put money in their pocket as well - they take it. If it doesn't look worth their time they pass. The little guy in the phone book will probably take any case that comes his way & if you loose you will still have to pay him. Just my thoughts, but I could be wrong.
Thanks munchkin! I'll keep that in mind if I need it. I have a
Thanks munchkin! I'll keep that in mind if I need it. I have a pretty solid case. I've never heard of the credit grantor, my name isn't on the collections letter, I have absolutely zero outstanding debt (pay cash whenever you can!) and a combined 750 credit score.
I received a letter from First National Collection Bureau, Inc.
I received a letter from First National Collection Bureau, Inc. today (3/9/09) stating that a delinquent account has been assigned to them by Security Services, LLP with the original creditor being General Electric Capital. As in a previous complaint in 2007, they offered a 60% discount payable in 2 payments of $57.53, with each payment due within 30 days of the pervious (they misspelled previous) payment. You would think they would check the Internet and see all these complaints - I've never heard of the company they are saying I owe $191.78 to. I'm going to return the letter and suggest they google their company with "scam" at the end of their "company" name.
I received a collection letter from First National Collection Bu
I received a collection letter from First National Collection Bureaua also. I guess they bought a debt from the original collector, RJM Acquisitions. This debt is from a closed bank account from a bank that was bought out and no longer in business. My credit report states this debt is owed to RJM, not First National Collection. Who should I pay the money to? If I pay First National, how do I get RJM off of my credit report? From what I have read, I'm not too sure I want to deal with First National if I don't have to. HELP!!!
Munchkin, Not quite truthful
I have it on the best of authority that Munchkin is not being honest with everyone. There has been no such case for First National Collection Bureau and he/she has not gotten the award claimed. I am certain of this.
Sorry to burst your bubble Bill T. Collector, but it did indeed
Sorry to burst your bubble Bill T. Collector, but it did indeed happen, whether you want to believe it or not. It was settled out of court. And I had to report the money I won on my income tax return.
Sorry, but I got the name right allright and I know what I'm talking about because it was my real life experience. I can't help it if you can't dig up any information on it. It's none of your business anyway.
These guys are Scam artist!
I just recieved a letter from these creeps today saying I owed almost $5,000.00 on a Visa card I was pretty sure I paid off. I have no idea how these guys got all my information. They had my social security number, previous addresses, when i made the last payment on this account and the credit card I had was almost 10 years old, old enough for me to forget whether I paid or not. However I suspected something fishy when I called them and demanded they give me the MBNA bank information and they refused. Also if I had stopped paying 7 years ago why would the bank wait 7 years to send the account to collections? Are you kidding! Some of these guys will send your account to collections the day after your payment was suppose to be recieved!
In Anycase I got online and looked up this company, saw a lot of scam reports. Then I called MBNA themselves and they said themselves that my account had been paid off and there was no judgement against me. They also told me that they were familiar with this company and that it was a scam! That they have been ripping off people like this for a very log time!
I'm still scared though...i mean how did these creeps get my SSN, and know all that information? I'm going to have to take this letter to the post office and possibly hire a lawyer. They have way to much personal info on me.
account #1321651
I received a collection letter from First National Collection Bureau,inc.
I don't know about this company and I never order or owen any money to no one in the state or in NV. They want me to pay a amount of $3,213.26 from a company name VALOREM LLC original Creditor MBNA. I really don't know any one or buy anything from such company. Please help me.
I would like to know according to them what I bought from this company how was this purchase and from who? Please ask Valorem LLC to send me the order blanks and what was the purchase (according) to them I bought.
I want to have this clear up or do I have to get my attorney contact them.
I also received a letter from this company with the delinquent a
I also received a letter from this company with the delinquent account being assigned by Security Services, LLP with the original creditor being General Electric Capital. They also offered a 60% discount payable in 2 payments of ($64.63), with each payment due within 30 days of the pervious and they also misspelled previous. When I called the office the person who answered never even mentioned the company name. I had to ask if i had the correct number. The person told me it was an 11 year old debt. I have never delt with the company she mentioned before. It seems that this is a scam.
First National Collection
Like others, i also have recieved a letter from this company (i live in Chicago) stating an owed balance on a Capital One Visa Card. I know something was fishy with this company, because i have never had nor have i ever opened an account with such card. This so called account is not even on my credit report, which i ran recently, nor from credit reports ran in the past. They claimed that this was from the year of 2001 and that several other agencies have tried to contact me regarding this. What made the red flags come to me, was that if i had opened this so called card, why wait until now to try to collect $1,893.00. When dealing with credit card, the will start to hound you within a month for a payment if you are late, so i know this company is full of SH@#. So now, i will be talking with a lawyer in order to file a lawsuit with them. We as individuals have enough things on our minds as it is like job security, gas prices, etc., and we dont need these @#@holes trying to use such fraud tactics to obtain our money.
It could be simply a case of a mis-identified consumer. Before
It could be simply a case of a mis-identified consumer. Before running to an attorney and wasting their time (from what you typed, you've got nothing), request they properly validate the debt.
First National Collections
I'm glad I read your post. I have been receiving recorded calls nightly from them nightly. They way if you are not the person they are looking for just hang up. You do that and they call the next night anyway.
I finally called them today and got a very snotty lady. I asked her to take me off of her list since I was not the name she was looking for. She asked me to call back when I had a better attutide. If I continue getting calls I would like to join you in your suite.
Forget the phone calls, send them a cease comm letter CMRRR and
Forget the phone calls, send them a cease comm letter CMRRR and file complaints with the FCC, FTC, AG's in your state and theirs, the BBB and the ACA International.
First National Collection Bureau, Inc., is subject to the Fair Debt Collection Act like anyone else. Their letter to me on an account that was closed 15 years ago is obviously a mistake that the bank, Western Federal Credit Union in Manhatten Beach, California, informs is correct! They are all in for a big surprise...
Rather than add another verse to an old song and dance, can someone please tell me where I can endorce the Class Action against First National Collections Bureau, Inc., in sparks Nevada...
I got a letter today from First National Collection Bureau stati
I got a letter today from First National Collection Bureau stating that i owed 519.24. They said the original creditor was GE General Electric Corp, whom I have never had any kind of account with. I am so glad i google searched them and found all these scam reports!
I'm currently sending them monthly payments to clear an old deb
I'm currently sending them monthly payments to clear an old debt from 8 -10 years ago. Because I want to clean my credit report up and this has been hanging over my head for years, I agreed to pay them $50.00 to 100.00 a month but after watching a program about fraud collectors, I looked up their record reading the negative comments about them I wonder if i should continue paying. What should my next move be can you suggest anything. Foolish me.
You shouldn't have paid them a dime, that debt should have been
You shouldn't have paid them a dime, that debt should have been removed off of your credit report already. However, depending on your state, you may have re-aged the debt by agreeing to and paying on it. You can also sue them in Federal court for an FDCPA violation, demand a refund, and collect your $1,000 plus possible court costs and attorney fees, if you have documented evidence of them threatening to sue you over the debt (they can continue asking for it forever, but they cannot enforce collections in any manner after the SOL period).
I received a letter from these people, also offering to settle in 2 easy payments blah blah blah....I called because I had no idea what it was about. When The woman told me, I attempted to speak 4 times, after she stopped, but she interrupted me each time, telling me not to yell at her?? She had my name and social, but not the correct address, and the account she talked about was long closed BEFORE the date of supposed deliquency.
This seems to me to be just one of the many latest "try to take you for what you might pay" scheme to defraud consumers.
Beware: Sparks NV address listed, but mailed from a Dept # (no company name), with a P.O Box in PA???? I also have checked my credit report a couple of times since 2001, and this item was never present????
Received phone call saying I owed a 7 yr account w/Verizon for o
Received phone call saying I owed a 7 yr account w/Verizon for over $600. I have NEVER had an account with them. Am waiting for a letter, but this forum has opened my eyes and I will demand verification and then notify AG and BBB. How do you get an actual FREE credit report to see if this shows up as a bad debt...
Hello, I know this company has the debt for my car's deficienc
I know this company has the debt for my car's deficiency balance of $3600. My dad received a call this evening from them and when he told them I was not home, they asked if he was so and so. He told them yes, then they dunned him for the money. This is not his bill, his name is not and never was on the account. He was not a co-signer either. I actually didn't have a co-signer on this account. That is a blatant violation of the FDCPA. I am a debt collector myself and I will be giving them an earful tomorrow. God, I wish I had the disclosure to my father on tape. My bill would be paid.
I received a letter from First National saying "your delinquent
I received a letter from First National saying "your delinquent account has been assigned to us by the above mentioned client. They listed Valorem LLC and an old credit card company I once dealt with. The last payment to that company was June 05, and by January 06, the company had charged off the debt and sold it to another lender. I responded to First National that 1) the CA SOL had run on on any debt previously owed to that credit card, and 2) they misrepresented themselves to me because that particular credit card company no longer exists, and I have no knowledge of Valorem LLC and have never dealt with them and do not owe them anything. I cited FDCPA 812 as well. I did not mention this, but I am unemployed and own absolutely nothing, so I don't think they would get very far trying to take me to court, even if it's just so I can present the CA SOL as my defense. Was this the right way to handle this?
I took the liberty of calling First National regarding the same
I took the liberty of calling First National regarding the same issue as the person who posted about owing a previous debt that is way old and the original creditor has written it off over 6/7 years ago. I called trying to enter into a settlement but wind up speaking w/ Eliseo (I could totally be mispelling his name) the VP of Operations. He's not a very friendly person but rather RUDE and HOSTILE. Evidently, I must have "ruffled a feather or two," as he has had my account noted that a settlement would not be accepted.. I'm merely trying to render unto Caesar what's his and get this off of my credit report. Any suggestions on what to do, as I feel violated as a consumer merely trying to pay off an outstanding debt, that's not even really owned/owed to First National.. HELP!!!!
There's an outfit selling Alltell internet access in Athens Tx t
There's an outfit selling Alltell internet access in Athens Tx that promises coverage in accordance with your geographical location on a map of such impossible scale as to make precise definition of your location impossible. We get no connection and when we refuse payment they hire these charlatans to try to collect. Our hunting and fishing club has 115 members of which 7 are lawyers. We're begging them to sue us, as none of us has yet to receive value from their agent..So far all I get is threats, and I'll see them in Hell before I pay them any more.
Originally Posted by Anonymous I just recieved a letter from these creeps today saying I owed almost $5,000.00 on a Visa card I was pretty sure I paid off. I have no idea how these guys got all my information. They had my social security number, previous addresses, when i made the last payment on this account and the credit card I had was almost 10 years old, old enough for me to forget whether I paid or not. However I suspected something fishy when I called them and demanded they give me the MBNA bank information and they refused. Also if I had stopped paying 7 years ago why would the bank wait 7 years to send the account to collections? Are you kidding! Some of these guys will send your account to collections the day after your payment was suppose to be recieved! In Anycase I got online and looked up this company, saw a lot of scam reports. Then I called MBNA themselves and they said themselves that my account had been paid off and there was no judgement against me. They also told me that they were familiar with this company and that it was a scam! That they have been ripping off people like this for a very log time! I'm still scared though...i mean how did these creeps get my SSN, and know all that information? I'm going to have to take this letter to the post office and possibly hire a lawyer. They have way to much personal info on me. |
The reason why these so-called junk debt buyers ask you to provide your personal information, is because they don't have all your personal information and they think that they can out smart you into giving them your personal information. They do this, so that they can trap you into paying something they cannot validate. Most junk debt buyers cannot validate it is your debt, because they don't received the full file for your profile, therefore they trick you into getting that information so they can continue with there collections and get you to pay up.
You, the consumer has the law on your side, regardless if these collectors want you to know that or not. It is called the Statute of Limitations. Clark Howard, Bud Hibbs and other consumer activists all mention this about collection companies hounding people to pay on debts that are not collectible in the eyes of the law.
I am having the same problem as you. I got a letter also for a C
I am having the same problem as you. I got a letter also for a CC debt from First National Collection Bureau, Inc. I called FNCB and they said that my case it eight yrs old and that they would close it after I told them that I had called the original creditor and they said that I dont owe them anything. I had a CC since 2005 and its 2010, that to me is 7 yrs old and its a scam. They have my last four of my social which is scary. This needs to stop. I am going to see if I can get a lawyer too. if anyone else has this problem and we can share info on how to get this company down.
I too received a letter from FNCB offering 30% debt settlement in six payments. I checked with my creditor and it verified FNCB now had the debt. I paid the six payments and when I requested
written documentation showing the debt was paid in full and that FNCB report favorably to the
credit bureaus, FNCB now says they did not receive a payment.
I am filing complaints with the FTC, my state Attorney General's office and the State of Nevada
Financial Institution Division
If there is a class action lawsuit out there please post on this tread.
just got a letter from first national collection bureau! I calle
just got a letter from first national collection bureau! I called and questioned the letter and I couldnt get the number for the company that hired them. I couldnt get the name of the president of the company either! I am pissed! I cant believe this company!
Just want to pass some good info along
Byfrogpath from Clearwater Fl.
First Contact
It is around 6 PM and you are just sitting down to dinner and the phone rings. You look at your caller ID and it says "out of area." You answer and say hello and there is no one there. You hang up. The debt collectors system now knows that you are home at 6 PM on weeknights. You may get another call in a few minutes or at the same time tomorrow. This time there will be a live person who should, by law, start the conversation with his name and company name and the purpose for his or her call is to collect a debt. This person will now tell you that you owe, for example, 497.00 to Horizon Telecom. From that point on, the conversation can proceed down many different avenues from professional to downright ugly. This article is about the latter which is unfortunately very common.
I am a moderator on a large internet forum that has the category of dealing with collection agencies
as one of its hottest topics. The stories of threats, third party contact and even personal appearances at front doors by third party collectors are shocking, conservatively speaking. The most common is the threat that if the alleged debtor does not have a certain amount of money in the collectors hand by a certain date and time the sheriff will come to their job and have them arrested. This and all other threats that can't be carried out are illegal under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Do the collectors know this? Of course they do. They also know that only one person in one thousand will first, be aware, and second, acually file a lawsuit. When they are sued they usually make a quick out of court settlement and mark it off as the cost of doing business. Going to court is expensive and they can be assesed punitive damages of 1000.00 per violation plus legal fees and court costs.
Most collection agencies are cube hives that have several to dozens of agents sitting at computers with headphones trying desperately to earn commissions on debts that were purchased, in lots, for pennies on the dollar. Many of these are several years old and past the statute of limitations. These statutes vary by state but are usually four to five years.
How to Proceed
Knowing your rights from the onset is paramount in gaining control of the situation. If the person refuses to say the name of the company he works for that is an FDCPA violation. The collector is also required to send a dunning letter within 5 days of initial contact. Make sure you say that you require that statement before you admit to owing anything. Admitting to a debt by trying to make arrangments can restart the statute that may have or is about to expire. Tell the collector that he or she is not permitted to contact you about this by phone or any other means other than the United State Postal Service. If they do that is another violation of the FDCPA. If they continue to give you a hard time politely say "thank you, I will be looking for you statement in the mail" and hang up. If they call back make a note of the date and time which will be supported by your carriers records.
The Statement Arrives
You go to the mailbox a few days later and you retrieve what should be, by law also, a very nondescript envelope with just a PO box as an address. The bill inside will usually have the amount and the name of the original creditor along with a line that will state that if you do not dispute the validity of the debt within thirty days it will be assumed valid. This is also required by law. Now you have a choice. You can pay it or send a request for validation. If you send a validation letter the collector is required under the FDCPA to provide a copy of the original debt and the name of the original creditor. Many will not be able to do this because they will not have it. You are going to ask for a lot more in your letter.
A debt validation letter should demand the the following information:
???Proof that the debt is yours
???Proof that the collector owns or is entitled to collect the debt
???How the collector arrived at the amount they say you owe
???Proof that the collector is licensed to collect debts in the state in which you reside
???Proof that the debt is not past your states statute of limitations.
???If it is an internet payday loan require proof that the lender is licensed in your state as they are usually not.
There is no time frame required for the debt collector to respond to your letter contrary to what I have read elsewhere. It is best to send all correspondence certified mail with a return receipt. Documentation is important. After this letter is sent it has been my experience that about 50 percent of third party collectors will drop the collection and move to an easier target. Also include in your letter a cease communication paragraph telling them not to contact you by any other means but the USPS and forbid them from contacting a third party regarding the debt. They are bound to this by law also.
Years ago debt collectors could parallel psycopathic bounty hunters in their actions. They would call over and over a any hour of the night and morning and tell your kids you were a deadbeat! Anything was OK if it would get them their commission. Then the Fair Debt Collection Pratices Act was legislated and now there are sections 801 through 819 that are in place to protect you, the consumer, against these atrocities, although, as I stated early on, that they still take place every day. Here are some, but not all, of the actions by collectors that are covered:
???A collector can only call between the hours of 8 AM and 9 PM
???A collector cannot threaten a person with arrest, garnishment or any other legal action that the collector does not intend to or is not lagally permitted to do.
???A collector may not represent himself as an attorney unless he is actually an attorney even if he is using an attorneys license for the purpose of collecting.
???A collector can contact a third party one time only for the purpose of locating the alleged debtor but may not disclose the reason for their search.
???A collector may not call a person at work if it is known that they are not pemitted to receive such calls.
???A collector must cease all collection during the validation period mentioned in the previous section.
Here is a link to the FDCPA. If it fails to open please copy and paste to your browser.
These laws also apply to law firms that are collecting as third parties also but be warned. You are risking an expensive lawsuit if you try legal dancing with a law firm. They know all the tricks and you will wind up paying court costs and their fees on top of the debt. If you are getting collection attempts from a law firm try to make arrangements with them or if you believe you do not owe the money, get yourself a lawyer if only to write a letter. Better to pay your own attorney than someone elses. Like the old saying goes, a person who represents themselves in court has a fool for a lawyer.
If you feel that your rights have been violated under the FDCPA there are attorneys that will take your case on contingency and you will wind up collecting rather than paying. A good place to start is
I received a letter from them today. I went online and did a lit
I received a letter from them today. I went online and did a little research and found this website to protect your rights is call Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
To the person that wrote that great information from Clearwater,
To the person that wrote that great information from Clearwater, Fl. Thank you so much.
I reveived a letter from First National Collection Bureau stateing that North Star Capital Acquisition was offering me a settlement for a Capital One card which I had one in 1997 and paid it off when my husband past away, haven't had one since. I have gotten my credit report and there is several people with the same first and last name of mine, middle name wrong married to someone I don't even know plus haveing me live in another state than I do and have never lived out of the state I live in now. I amtrying to get this taken care off but not having much luck so what can I do about all of this?
how do you find out the statues of limitations on debt collectio
how do you find out the statues of limitations on debt collection
I just made a settlement payment for $378.52 for account # 4227-0973-8438-0619. I tried to ask the representative not to charge me the fee of $15.00. They said they could not cancel the fee. I was hoping that maybe there is a way get back the $15.00 since i paid the full amount in good faith. Thank you. Nicholas montemarano