One down
Date: Fri, 12/07/2007 - 15:53
One down
Your account has been taken care of and your balance is zero. If you do not want to call us that is your decision, but all we wanted to do was take care of any problems. If you had called us and just asked we would have worked it out with you. If you do not want us call you we would just mark your account as so. You just have to ask. We will not be contacting you and your account is not in any type of negative status. Its just marked paid in full. If you have any more questions please fill free to call us. B&L Marketing Services Inc. 866-656-1136 866-370-7045(fax) |
one down !!!
sharky! Way to go! :D Gotta love them! Gee, all you had to do was call and "ask". Oh, yeah. That's a GOOD one! Thank goodness this one worked out so well for you! I'm so happy! Make sure you keep that baby, print it out, hang it on the friggin wall, tape it to your refrigerator, put it in a safety deposit box, hang it off your car!!!! Congratulations to you!
Yeah!!!for Sharky. I am really happy to see you got a PIF from
Yeah!!!for Sharky. I am really happy to see you got a PIF from them...if only it was as easy as calling and asking them....and I saw a pig flying on the way home...wings and all. :lol:
That person must have had some funny herb in their smokes today.
That person must have had some funny herb in their smokes today....becuase we all know nothing with the pdls are ever that easy. :?
I am laughing so hard!
Damn that letter was funny. He should actually frame it. Ya'll should start some "Wall of Fame" where you collect and post these letters. Too funny, made my day.
Congratulations Sharky! That was about the whiniest PIF lette
Congratulations Sharky!
That was about the whiniest PIF letter I've ever
But it does sound like they'll miss you. "If you do not want
But it does sound like they'll miss you.
"If you do not want to call us, that's your decision" LOL
You should probably send them a Christmas card.
LMAO!!! Definitely keep in touch with them, it sounds like they
LMAO!!! Definitely keep in touch with them, it sounds like they want to hear from you! :D Congrats!!!!
lol yeah i was pretty funny..
now everytime i send a letter to authorised ayday it comes back undeliverable they must not want money too bad ..i even use the mail they told me to use oh well..