Finally..........the little people win!
Date: Wed, 11/28/2007 - 07:11
Finally..........the little people win!
It's good to see that the little people can win! I want to personally Thank all who helped me with this situtation and I hope that I am able to help someone like I have been helped!
I advise to never give up. You may think it's a battle you can not win but I am living proof that you can. Hang in there!
Its great to hear stories like this. Yes it is a battle, but as
Its great to hear stories like this. Yes it is a battle, but as you have proven it can be won. It takes a bit of work, but it does pay off in the long run. Thanks for sharing this with us. Please do stick around. I am sure yur experience can help a great many people.
I plan on sticking around. I was on vacation from work last wee
I plan on sticking around. I was on vacation from work last week when all this took place and had a little more time to be on the computer but I will be here helping others if I can. It's a wonderful site and these kind of sites are hard to come by.
Congratulations. It's great news to hear that your bank went to
Congratulations. It's great news to hear that your bank went to bat for you and got your money back..
Yea for You!! I've said there is hope- it takes time and some ha
Yea for You!! I've said there is hope- it takes time and some hard work, but it can be done!!Thanks for sharing this- and as was mentioned, you will be able to help others here with your experiences!! Good to have you here!!..Karen :D
I sure couldn't have done it without all of your help! So many
I sure couldn't have done it without all of your help! So many have guided me on what to do and where to go. I'm glad I stumbled upon this site because I sure wouldn't of known what to do!
Thank you to you All! :D