Student loan
Date: Tue, 11/06/2007 - 04:44
Student loan
Did you actually receive a confirmation that your loan had been
Did you actually receive a confirmation that your loan had been discharged??
It is very difficult to get a loan discharged for permanent disability as the standards are higher than that of the VA or Social Security. You can get disability for a lot of reasons...being a drug addict or alchololic, bad back, diabetic, mental illness...none of these qualify for having a student loan discharged. When I was working collection, back in the early 90's having HIV was sufficent reason for loan discharge. As medical science progressed and drug therapies changed, you basically could not get discharged until you were full blown in hospice.
What the DOE is looking for is cerfication that you will NEVER work again or have a condition leading to death. Pretty tough standards.