Need some people to blog about their student loans
Date: Mon, 11/05/2007 - 05:38
Need some people to blog about their student loans
If you are interested in sharing your story and keeping a blog up to date with how you are dealing with your loans. We are looking at possiblities to help you earn money by dong this.
If interested please respond here as I am not trying to promote the site here.
butlerjraines,Hi and welcome to this site. I am curious since I
butlerjraines,Hi and welcome to this site. I am curious since I have a defaulted student loan. What is the name of this site you are speaking of and how can they help me?
Need some people to blog about their student loans
I am curious too...
though I wonder...
Never mind :)
So what is the name of the site. I would be interested in readin
So what is the name of the site. I would be interested in reading the articles.
I will blog about my student loan debt. Have been suffering with
I will blog about my student loan debt. Have been suffering with this debt for more than 15 years and might have it paid off before I die.
hi butler! its a nice thing you are doing. i am sure that many o
hi butler! its a nice thing you are doing. i am sure that many of the students will benefit from the blog that you want to start. there are numerous students out there who are staying away from their homes and do not have anyone to help them out if a complication arises. so if the experienced ones come up with their responses it will be a good thing for the freshers.
This dark evil cloud has been hanging over my head for almost 25
This dark evil cloud has been hanging over my head for almost 25 years. Someone out there has to know how to help me, us!
I'm curious as to how the website would work. Would it just be
I'm curious as to how the website would work. Would it just be a main page linking up to those people who have blogs about student loans? Or would it be more community minded such as this?
Either way I'm sure I wouldn't mind blogging about student loans. Except I'm not very good at keeping up with my blogs. But I do have experience. I've got one 3 months behind, ready to get thrown into collections and one that just exited forbearance, and as soon as I was 15 days late, they started calling up my dad (who cosigned) to get him to pay up.
So we are all very interested. Keep us updated.