Another one bites the dust
Date: Mon, 11/05/2007 - 04:56
Submitted by deeann.student
Mon, 11/05/2007 - 04:56
Total Replies: 14
Another one bites the dust
Thanks, now all I need is responses for the others, all I have n
Thanks, now all I need is responses for the others, all I have now is cash today, mo title loans, check city and payday one. I am paying check city off (only 3 pymts left) cash today will not get another dime, MO AG is working on MO title loans and Payday one is legal so I will be paying them off.
WTG Deeannstudent :) I am so glad that you are making such fa
WTG Deeannstudent :)
I am so glad that you are making such fast progress on taking care of everything.
Isn't it nice to be able to breathe again? Soon you can wipe your hands of the whole matter and completly start fresh and enjoy your money and I mean exactly that your money :)
congrats and keep us posted as to how things turn out with your AG
congratulations deeann! you go girl! :D you are getting your
congratulations deeann! you go girl! :D
you are getting your PDL's taken care so quickly. I havent heard from my PDL's yet. Im beginning to worry.
Yea!! Good fot you! Keep up the hard work- it certainly is worth
Yea!! Good fot you! Keep up the hard work- it certainly is worth it in the end..karen :D
Just received a call from the title loan company that I have bee
Just received a call from the title loan company that I have been dealing with and they are willing to settle for amount owed, they will stop all interest charges on the account so that every payment made will go towards the principal. not bad for a days work
WTG I am so happy for you. Sounds like things are turning aroun
WTG I am so happy for you. Sounds like things are turning around for you. How do u feel :D
Feeling pretty good, the letters really helped, also received a
Feeling pretty good, the letters really helped, also received a couple letters in mail w/ pif notices