substantial student loan debt
Date: Tue, 09/13/2005 - 12:01
substantial student loan debt
Hi sandman_cr,Welcome to forums. I understand your situation
Hi sandman_cr,
Welcome to forums. I understand your situation. That is a real problem most of the people encounter. Student loan issues are controlled by federal government and it should be paid back.
As repayment is really tough for you at your present situation, you have to plan way so that it does not affect your financial standing adversely. You cannot defer, as you account is defaulted. Check what you can do ???
- Apply for forbearance ??? It will reduce your monthly installments as the principal amount will not be deducted for the time being. But you should pay the reduced installments timely.
- Loan discharge/cancellation ??? Under some special circumstances your loan is forgiven, but it is difficult to get granted.
For any more information, please post your queries in the forums.
sandman_cr,beware of federal laws that provide you with enou
beware of federal laws that provide you with enough freedom to ask the debt collector not to call at your work. you can tell them the best time to call also.
wage garnishment is not possible without court order. debt collectors use so many techniques to squeeze you. read the article on wage garnishment here -
Bryan, As far as consolidation goes, what's the best way to go
As far as consolidation goes, what's the best way to go about that?
Hi Guest, Welcome to the forums. To enter into a consolidatio
Hi Guest,
Welcome to the forums. To enter into a consolidation the best way is to go through an agency that is expert in this field. Once you enroll in the program, a consultant will guide you and explain all the repayment options and benefits you can enjoy. So you will get a number of alternatives to repay your debts.
For any more information, please feel free to ask in the forums.
Thanks bryan. Is it possible to consolidate non-federal student
Thanks bryan. Is it possible to consolidate non-federal student loans?
Hi Guest,Welcome to forums. It is possible to consolidate pr
Hi Guest,
Welcome to forums. It is possible to consolidate private/non-federal student loans. There are student loan providers who allow private loan consolidation. Once you consolidate your loans the interest rate is reduced and you need to pay one monthly installment. Moreover you can enjoy flexible repayment options which make the process easier.
But technically it will be right to consolidate your federal loans first. It improves your credit score and makes you eligible for more federal grants.