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I need advice with this question i have..............

Submitted by shughes0993 on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 07:01
Posts: 40

Ok this is what my situation is. I filed for BK in August of 2004. The only thing that i am paying on through the BK is my car loan. The car is listed on EX, and EQ not TU. Some how last month the car came off EX. (not that i am complaining). I just checked my credit report and it is showing EQ is being 120 days late since March 07. Which is not true. I did a dispute with EQ, i am waiting on my results. I am so upset becasue the money comes right out of my paycheck. Do i need to call the BK trustee and ask them what is going on or should i wait until i get my results back from EQ? I am crossing my fingers that they do not answer the dispute because it will come directly off my credit report. Has any one ever dealt with something like this before?