Is there defaulted student loan negotiation lawyers???
Date: Wed, 10/24/2007 - 11:30
Is there defaulted student loan negotiation lawyers???
down a little or some of the late fees. I want to
start repaying my debt again but I want them to give
me the right balance above all, thanks
Are you in default?? If not, there is no negotiation. If y
Are you in default?? If not, there is no negotiation.
If you are in default, my advise is to NOT use an attorney or service if you are just looking for is a waste of money. With defaults, unless you are offering to settle on the debt, you can negotiate nothing anyways. Student loans are federally guaranteed with no SOL and they will collect whether it be voluntarily or via wage garnishment or tax offset. If you are wishing to settle the account, they will generally write off the collection fees which would be from 18-25% of your total. When I was collecting, we NEVER gave the biggest settlement possible if the debtor had an attoney call. That just told us that debtor had money to throw around.
If you want a balance, ask whoever is holding or working the loan right now. They can give you the current balance. If a CA is working the account, ask for a payoff balance.
Thanks for ur reply, I am in default and the CA is allied interstate, have u heard of them??? My pay off is about $10,000. they can????????t garnish me because I????????m above the 15% of my disposable income, but they tried, because I have child support payments coming out of my pay check but they got our (my wife and I) income tax check but I got some of it back with the injured spouse form. So I don????????t have that much to pay a month but I want to start paying again, will they take about $50 or 75 a month??? And will that get me out of default in time so we can file out taxes in February??? And what should I say to set up payments with Allied, hope u don????????t mind me asking all these questions, thanks for ur time.
there is a federal program
There is a federal loan consolidation program that you can enter. These people were very helpful to me. I don't know if I'm allowed to post their web address. It is a federal government program. I think you can just google William D. Ford loan or something like that.
The link to the Direct Loan program is in the sticky at the top
The link to the Direct Loan program is in the sticky at the top of the forum.