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Getting a pre paid credit card with not so perfect credit

Submitted by on Mon, 09/12/2005 - 05:04
Posts: 202330

After cleaning up your credit report after some not so perfect credit, when is it a good time to try for a pre paid credit card to help re build credit?

I don't think it is possible to get denied for a pre-paid credit card, especially since it is pre-paid (meaning you're not taking money from anyone else but yourself) and they are geared towards helping those in your situation.

I got one, but unfortunately wasn't able to pay the bills on time. They are usually small, but heed the interest rates! Don't go for anything too high and remember: it's important to pay on time!

Submitted by Lindsey on Mon, 09/12/2005 - 08:50


( Posts: 362 | Credits: )

*DO NOT DO IT* !!!!!

This is a scam! I don't even have to hear anything more.

These people target those with lower credit scores. They know you'll be desparate for cash, so they try to entice you with a high credit limit at very little "secured" cost.

Here's the scam:

They'll come to you with an offer much like yours. They'll ask for your bank information so they can deduct the payment from your checking account. They say it is "one time only".

(1) You will *NEVER* get a credit card.
(2) You will most likely NEVER get anything at all.
(3) If you do get something, they will send you a magazine with over-priced merchandice and a "credit card" that is only able to work with that magazine.
(4) They'll deduct the money from your account, then mail you a form requesting more money to "process your application".
(5) Most likely they'll try to take more out ... or give you information to a 3rd party and have THEM take money out.

If you've given them your bank information and have already made this arrangement then contact your bank immediately, close your checking account, and get a new checking account. If they've taken the money out - tell your bank it was not authorized and you demand they reverse the withdraw.

Contact BBB and the Attorney General's office for the state that they are in business in.

Visit sites like RipOffReport and search for their name (the business name) that they gave you. I'm sure they're on there somewhere. And my guess is they're based out of New York or [more likely] New Jersey. Probably the same group of people just changing their name every time they get caught in the scam.

Trust me with all of this - I've been there!

Submitted by cryptowizard on Wed, 09/14/2005 - 06:17


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