Student loan is not getting updated even after garnishing
Date: Tue, 10/16/2007 - 10:10
Student loan is not getting updated even after garnishing
Student loan has been garnishing my check for almost 2-3 years every week. But they are not updatinig my current balance on my credit report on amount owed. How can I get them to show that i am making payment every week so they can update my report
Have you tried contacting them to find out why they're not updat
Have you tried contacting them to find out why they're not updating the account with the credit bureaus?
You could dispute the account with the credit bureaus for incorrect info. The bureaus will ask the company your loan is with to verify the debt and the information you are disputing.
student loan
I've called the company and the have it on my credit as the whole amount being owed and they said that they don't have to update until paid in full & this is hurting my credit so bad and I'm making over a $350 payment every month.