Student loan help
Date: Sun, 10/07/2007 - 11:10
Student loan help
I work only 16 hours a week and owe a student loan in new your city. The collection agency for my loan request my employer to garnish my check the want me to pay 55 dollars that i cant afford to pay. I lost my full time job and this is just a job i am doing so I can get back into the work force. I told them i cant afford to pay what they asked. I have two children and on is sick always. I was paying before the loan before I lost my full time job.
Tina, I am going to ask a moderator to move this to the student
Tina, I am going to ask a moderator to move this to the student loan thread. There is alot of good info there and someone there should be able to help you with this.
Good Luck Roxy.
Did you get the "intent to garnish" letter to request a hearing?
Did you get the "intent to garnish" letter to request a hearing?? For starters, you are probably not earning enough to be garnished. If you were "involunatarily seperated" or let go from your last job with the last 12 months they cannot garnish you. Also, if you can show undue hardship, they will not garnish.
There is lots of information on this page....