Done with CACH!
Date: Fri, 09/28/2007 - 08:54
Done with CACH!
I have wired them the rest of their money, gotten a PIF thru email and am waiting on papers in the mail to the courts for satisfied judgement!
And i stopped and got a bottle of merlot for later!
I want to thank each and every one of u here for ur support and patientce with me over the last year! If not for u, all of u, i don't know how i would have survived this mess! I can't say thank you enough!
A special thanks to my neighbor Cajun (and ur wife, please tell her for me)and LawStudent! U GUYS ROCK!
That is awesome Ang, good for you. I still have not heard a thin
That is awesome Ang, good for you. I still have not heard a thing since I sent them the discovery and they responded to it. It has been a few months,crazy. but I am really happy for you, congrats!
I am sooo happy for you Ang. :-) Enjoy your bottle of Merlot! Yo
I am sooo happy for you Ang. :-) Enjoy your bottle of Merlot! You deserve it! :-)
Wow this has been such a great day! I met middle daughter at a
Wow this has been such a great day! I met middle daughter at a coffee shop this morning and we had breakfast and got to spend some time together and talk... ran errands and took care of CACH and a couple other things (merlot, ;)) :lol:
Came home for a few mins then my baby daughter called me and said she was on her way over, wanted to go have lunch! We went and got my oldest daughter and my grands and went out to lunch then all of us, even the grand, went and got a pedicure! It was lovely day!
I love spending time with my kids and dont' get to do it often enough these days!
Wont' be long and i'm gonna pull the cork screw out! :D
Yea for Ang!! I am so happy for you! This goes to show, a little
Yea for Ang!! I am so happy for you! This goes to show, a little time and work and it can be done!!..KAren :D
I am extremely happy for you! Spending time with your family is
I am extremely happy for you! Spending time with your family is one of the best remedy's I think.
:lol: Now you can sue them on their fdcpa & Fcra violations to b
:lol: Now you can sue them on their fdcpa & Fcra violations to build your kitty fund back up! :wink: Congrats Ang.
PERK! :lol: Ya know Cajun what's the craziest thing to me is t
Ya know Cajun what's the craziest thing to me is this: They settled for what i originally offered them before any court procedings or atty's hired... so obviously they didnt' keep as much of the money as they would have had they just settled this and not drawn it out... i don't get it!
Now back to my kitty, it's suffering big time now! Anyone wanna buy a house in a gated community? :D
Thanks again Cajun for all ur help and tell wife i said ty to her also!
I wouldn't have survived without u guys!
Now you must stick around and pass on all your great knowledge a
Now you must stick around and pass on all your great knowledge and support to those others who come here in need. Congrats on your accomplishment. I am truly happy for you. I haven't heard from the old boys in months.
Well fed only thing i can tell ya is, don't think they've gone a
Well fed only thing i can tell ya is, don't think they've gone away (although i hope they have) cuz they disappear, like a snake, but always popped back up with me anyway!
Hey Ang, I miss you!!! Well, big congratulations on finally d
Hey Ang,
I miss you!!! Well, big congratulations on finally dealing with them...I know they had you pulling your hair for awhile. :( I've been absent on the boards for a little while, so you'll have to update me. What did CACH say you owed and how much did you settle (if you settled)?
They were now saying i owed 14,500! YIKES!! I settled for les
They were now saying i owed 14,500! YIKES!!
I settled for less than half of that amount which was right around the original amount i thought i owed to begin with!
They just wanted 3 years of my life to be hell! :lol:
Isn't that the truth!! I just told a Collection Agency I am not
Isn't that the truth!! I just told a Collection Agency I am not paying them another penny! I told them the cc had a limit of $780.00, and that was in 1984, haven't charged in 15+ years, and by my calculations, THEY owe me about 20,000 dollars!!These people don't give up!!..Karen
ha ha Karen i LIKE that one! The way i look at it CACH owes me
ha ha Karen i LIKE that one!
The way i look at it CACH owes me a LOT! Before i found this place they took years offa my life! Too much stress and all for less than the amt i actually owed on the card.... doesnt' make much sense to me at all!!!
But then again, they never did!
Yeah- it kinda stunned the lady!! She got really quiet and said,
Yeah- it kinda stunned the lady!! She got really quiet and said, let me talk to my clients and see if they will close this file! I'm not holding my breath, but it would be nice if they did! I learned not to trust what they say, unless it is in writing!..KAren
As one my co-workers often says..."They are unreal!" LOL
As one my co-workers often says..."They are unreal!" LOL
ZEN!! Long time no see girlie! I've missed all of u in chat!
Long time no see girlie!
I've missed all of u in chat!
We need to do that soon and catch up... i'm having internet problems. called my provider today and she told me they upgraded me for "FREE" to 700 something and my router is having troulbe keeping up so ummm... did i really get anything for free when i can't even get online?!?!?!
Now i'm on dial-up! YUCKO! They're gonna come out tomorrow and fix my "FREE" upgrade! :lol:
That will be nice ang, should be alot faster for you right?
That will be nice ang, should be alot faster for you right?
Well ended up having to get a new router/modem and it is much fa
Well ended up having to get a new router/modem and it is much faster! :D
Also, he gave it to me for free!
He was a super nice guy!
Hi Ang, I'm new to the forum and appreciate your post! congratu
Hi Ang,
I'm new to the forum and appreciate your post! congratulations, so nice to see that people are successful thanks to the help of so many in this community :)
Welcome debtstinker! Not sure how i would've survived this ordea
Welcome debtstinker! Not sure how i would've survived this ordeal without the help and support of all the members here! This place was definately heaven sent to me at a very low time in my life! I thank God for this place every day!
Hope u get what u need here also,
I second the welcome! This place was a godsend to me as well...I
I second the welcome! This place was a godsend to me as well...I think you will enjoy it here.