How to deal with CLC?
Date: Tue, 09/25/2007 - 12:23
How to deal with CLC?
Hi pyp. I'm not really familiar with CLC, but do you think it wo
Hi pyp. I'm not really familiar with CLC, but do you think it would help to maybe send them his transcripts or to have his school fax something over proving that he is still in school? It sounds absurd that they want him to start paying even though he has not completed yet.
They told us all they would accept is a certain form that they h
They told us all they would accept is a certain form that they have that has to be sent to the school to be filled out. But they won't send us or the school the form.
That is crazy. Is there any way that Sallie Mae might cosolidate
That is crazy. Is there any way that Sallie Mae might cosolidate that loan with your current one? At least then it will all be in one place and you won't have to deal with them anymore.
That is what I am trying to check into now. But I don't know how
That is what I am trying to check into now. But I don't know how long it will take, and if Sallie Mae won't do it I wanted to know if their was anything else I could do.
Hopefully, Sallie Mae will be able to do it quickly. What timefr
Hopefully, Sallie Mae will be able to do it quickly. What timeframe is CLC giving you? already said 2 weeks. (duh!) I would call CLC again and reiterate that your husband is still in school and try once again to get the correct form from them. Also, maybe your husband can go to the financial assistance office at his school and ask if they have ever encountered problems with this company and how to go about getting a resolution. At this point, it sounds like you are doing about all you can do. But, I'm no expert in this and hopefully someone who has been through this will look at this thread soon. I'll keep thinking and looking, though. :-)
Okay Just got off the phone with CLC. They have finally applied
Okay Just got off the phone with CLC. They have finally applied the deferment so we no longer owe them any money right now. Now they are going back to see if it has been reported to the credit bureau to see if has been reported to them so they can fix that.
For future reference, you may want to deal with the servicer reg
For future reference, you may want to deal with the servicer regarding any type of deferment, not the lender. The lender contracts the servicer to handle these types of things.