CA reporting to credit bureau
Date: Mon, 09/24/2007 - 18:16
CA reporting to credit bureau
congrats cannr! Now make sure to check ur credit report and make
congrats cannr! Now make sure to check ur credit report and make sure they do indeed take it off.
Thanks, you guys! :D And, ang, you can bet your butt I'll be checking my credit report. I had better have VANISHED off of there completely! And I want to thank goudah for suggesting I check my credit report. If it wasn't for her suggestion, I wouldn't have even known it was on there. Thank you, goudah!
I need to go check my reports, but I don't think I have been in
I need to go check my reports, but I don't think I have been in default long enough.
"The squeaky wheel gets the oil" If you make just one compla
"The squeaky wheel gets the oil"
If you make just one complaint, they most likely dismiss it as just another person who doesn't like their credit report. Hold their hand to the fire, let them know they're wrong and sooner or later they will back down.
Good job!
Thanks, guys! And, pyb, don't think that just because you haven't been in default for long that you won't be reported. This account that was reported was a pdl that I had paid in full, received a refund on, and was closed. Never in a million years would I have thought that a paid in full refunded illegal pdl would appear on my credit report! And this was all handled through the BBB and my state AG! It just goes to show you that these illegal people will not stop. Please check your reports anyway.
I'm so glad you were able to get it cleared up! Yay! :D
I'm so glad you were able to get it cleared up! Yay! :D
Yay!!! Good for you Cannr!! It does show that there is hope!!
Yay!!! Good for you Cannr!! It does show that there is hope!!
I was telling my youngest son last night, that you have to be persisitant, and the more you bug them, the more they pay attention!!
Great going!..Karen :D
Thank you all! :D I'm kind of doing the happy dance. Just not all the way yet. But, yes, be a "hound". I will bug the crap out of people. Sorry, but I can't help it. Especially if it's illegal. And, yes, ks, it does show that there is hope. It looks really ugly, but if you fight it, you just might be able to come out winning. So don't give up if you know that you are right.