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Date: Mon, 09/24/2007 - 10:13

Submitted by grdgz79
on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 10:13

Posts: 27 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 14


OH YEAH!! GREAT DAY TODAY!! Woke up...decided to set up a few utility payments...and to my EXCITED MOST SURPRISED BEST FEELING RIGHT NOW...A FULL REFUND FROM AIP!!! OH YEAH!!!! What??? Just as I was getting frustrated from them not responding to the BBB or my state dept. of corp, no letters from them or anything...A FULL REFUND!!! All the money I overpaid...$957 back in my account!!! Isn't it lovely?? I thought so as well! Have a GREAT day everyone, and keep on sending them letters, and filing them complaints...IT WORKS!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!

grd, my friend! :D I love how you come back and post your progress! AIP came through for you, didn't they! I am sooooo glad you received your refund. And quite the refund at that! As well you should have, my friend! Congratulations on your progress. Now you can pay those utility bills. grd, I am so happy right now. Thank you for letting us know how great your doing! Good job! :wink:


Submitted by cannr on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 22:01

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Well...WorldWideCash responded to the BBB, but, I have yet to receive either a PIF or refund, so I'm waiting a little longer on that one. According to the BBB, I'm supposed to hear from them. Now, GFS/GFSIL, they're a whole other story. These people, I email and fax daily, did all my complaint filing, and they still leave voicemail asking for more money to mark me PIF!! WHAT?! I've already paid them $400, NO! No more money! Still working on them...keep ya posted!


Submitted by grdgz79 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 10:05

( Posts: 27 | Credits: )