Sallie Mae private loan
Date: Fri, 09/21/2007 - 20:38
Sallie Mae private loan
I have written sallie mae several times requesting some assistance in reducing my monthly payment which has gone up to $217.00 this year. Since it is capitalized interest I am the balance never seems to go down.
My sister co-signed this student loan and therefore I do not want to stick her with this debt. So I struggle every month to make this payment. I only receive a $1005.00 in disability and have a car payment and utilities and so that only leaves me roughly $300.00 to live on.
I feel like I am drowning and have no idea what to do. From what I have read it is next to impossible to get out from underneath this private loan. I would appreciate any advice that anyone could give me on what I should do.
Unfortunately, this is the nature of private loans. Like regual
Unfortunately, this is the nature of private loans. Like regualar consumer loans, they do not have have to offer any payment reduction or any other type of grace. Loans cannot be discharged for disability nor can they be discharged in BK.
Have you tried calling them?? As a general rule, student loans do not negotiate thru the mail.
ladybug,I am not real knowledgeable on student loans,but is ther
ladybug,I am not real knowledgeable on student loans,but is there any way you could apply for a hardship/disability discharge of this debt.
Unfortunately there is no such thing as hardship or disability r
Unfortunately there is no such thing as hardship or disability relief for private loans. That only happens on government insured loans.
Ok lady u know ur a very good friend and i love u to death so pl
Ok lady u know ur a very good friend and i love u to death so plz don't take this the wrong way cuz i'm just trying to help here! Is there anyway u cud get a lesser car with a lower payment and send that money to SallieMae to try and get this loan paid off? How much is the loan for? If I'm understanding ur numbers right, u get $1005 per month and spend 700 on car payment and utilities right? Like i said i know thru experience that i will never buy a car with a huge payment again!!! I learned that the hard way!! Paying month after month after month.... YUCK!
Hope u figure it out and u can get this Sallie Mae loan paid out soon!
Hey ladybug, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling, but
Hey ladybug,
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling, but here is something that may help you out: I am not sure in what field you have worked before, but I was working in the aviation industry and there are special credit unions that allow you to join them even if you are not working in the aviatoin field anymore (like me). I am with American Airlines Credit Union, and even though my credit is poor, they are still lending me money @ 7.9% apr.... Do you think that your field of work will allow you to join such a union?
If you tell me your field I can look up on the Inernet and I will try to find one for you :)
Hey stefan-No offense but not sure how taking out another loan i
Hey stefan-No offense but not sure how taking out another loan is going to help here.
As soap mentioned, student loans are next to impossible to get out of, even after death ( i know that sounds bad but its true). I just transferrd out of the student lending division of the bank I work for and I would say check your promissary note for any other types of forbearance options.
Let me jump in here. Ladybug has stated that she is on permanent disability. She is not in a "field of work". She is on disability. So advising her to check into getting another loan through a credit union is not a good idea here. She has a fixed income. She does not work. Why would she go take out another loan? She can't make it as it is. Ladybuy, my friend, listen to volley. She works in the industry. If you have any questions, I'm sure she would welcome a pm from you! :D
Well my car will be paid off in exactly 8 months, my car payment
Well my car will be paid off in exactly 8 months, my car payment is only $96.00 a month, so when that is paid off then I will apply that money towards my loan, so in about 9 months I will be able to send them an extra $100.00. I guess if nothing else works, I will just suffer through's unfortunate that I had to become disabled 2 years after this... :(
OH well hell, u can't beat a less than 100 dollar car payment pe
OH well hell, u can't beat a less than 100 dollar car payment per month, that's for sure!! And before u know it, it'll be paid off.... That's a huge plus for u lady! :D
I'm so sorry for ur health issues lady. I think of u often and ur in my prayers daily!
Just keep after it and something good will happen for u soon cuz u are a sweetheart and deserve a break! Remember karma! :D
Talk soon,
I know that when I start to feel sorry for myself there is alway
I know that when I start to feel sorry for myself there is always someone or something that comes along that is worse off then me. If I have to have MS I am glad that what I have is the relapsing/remitting kind.
I am currently in my second medical study so hopefully a cure can be found and why in the hell we get it (MS that is).
Quote: Hey stefan-No offense but not sure how taking out anothe
Hey stefan-No offense but not sure how taking out another loan is going to help here. As soap mentioned, student loans are next to impossible to get out of, even after death ( i know that sounds bad but its true). I just transferrd out of the student lending division of the bank I work for and I would say check your promissary note for any other types of forbearance options. |
Hello volleyballmom,
I understand your point.I am not a fan of taking one loan to pay another one unless the new loan has a lower interest. And as ladybug stated, her student loan currently has a capitalized interest and she is paying interest on the interest. This negative amortization will cost her thousands. If she is able to get a loan trough a credit union with a 7.9 or even 10% fixed interest she will save money.
Let me jump in here. Ladybug has stated that she is on permanent disability. She is not in a "field of work". She is on disability. So advising her to check into getting another loan through a credit union is not a good idea here. She has a fixed income. She does not work. Why would she go take out another loan? She can't make it as it is. Ladybuy, my friend, listen to volley. She works in the industry. If you have any questions, I'm sure she would welcome a pm from you! |
cannr if you carefully read my post you will see that I mentioned that some credit unions accept you on the basis that you were working, at one point, in a certain field. You may not necessary work at all anymore. I dont work in the airline industry anymore but I am still a member of an airline credit union, because I used to work at the airport.
She cant make it as it is because of her high payments. Because her interest is capitalized. If she takes out that loan and pays off the student loan all at once she will get rid of the capitalized loan.
stefan-If ladybug wanted another loan, she is definitely smart e
stefan-If ladybug wanted another loan, she is definitely smart enough to exhaust her options. Thanks for the offer.
Asking someone what industry they are or was in is somewhat intrusive unless they volunteer it...that is part of the beauty of the anonymity of this site.
She cant make it as it is because of her high payments. Because her interest is capitalized. If she takes out that loan and pays off the student loan all at once she will get rid of the capitalized loan
We do encourage members to give advice/opinions/etc. However, each member has their own individual situation which is unique. Please do not make assumptions as to the reason a member "can't make it as it is". There may be other reasons which are not posted. I understand anyone wanting to give good advice and try to help and this is welcomed. However, the member will read the replies and if the member believes this advice would help their situation, they would respond as such. In this case, apparently taking out another loan is not an option.
Wow ok i know this is none of my business but i feel i must say
Wow ok i know this is none of my business but i feel i must say my 2 cents, and that's all about it's worth! :D
Sometimes online it's easy to take things the wrong way since u can't hear a person's tone and such.... I think Stefan is ONLY trying to help here! And by asking someone's profession is NOT that private in my opinion. I mean she didn't ask where she lives or her phone number! Also, she's right that this capitalized interest is killer and if it were possible to get out of it that wud be the best bet! I can't imagine how u ever get ahead by paying interest on interest! Which is exactly what' lady's doing! Now since i know lady personally which Stefan doesn't i know she is not willing or able to get another loan... that being said, let's try to get back on track here and try to figure out a way to help lady pay this loan off!
hope all of u have a good monday,
fyi Ang...I have talked to Lady offline and am helping her look
fyi Ang...I have talked to Lady offline and am helping her look at options.
Well that's awesome! I hope u can find some solutions to help h
Well that's awesome! I hope u can find some solutions to help her... I know she's been stuggling with these dang student loans for a while now! Wish i knew of some way to help her but unfortunately i don't! :(
Hope it all works out well for her as she is a very good friend of mine and i think she's a sweetheart!
I am sure you have already done this, but have you checked into
I am sure you have already done this, but have you checked into a forbearance or defferment. Maybe in the meantime your car will be paid off and you can pay on the loans.
That is exactly what I plan on doing as soon as my car is paid o
That is exactly what I plan on doing as soon as my car is paid off I am going to be that money towards this loan. Thanks everyone for your input. And you are right volleyball and ang, two have helped me :lol:
Well lady not sure how much i have helped u besides giving u my
Well lady not sure how much i have helped u besides giving u my support! U were one of the first people i met here and i think ur a sweetie!
Well I talked to sallie mae and needless to say I am so official
Well I talked to sallie mae and needless to say I am so officially scre---. I could just slap myself silly for getting into this mess. Unless I can get my husband to co-sign a loan for me, which believe me I don't want too because of the lecturing and how stupid I was to do this routine :oops: ...I don't have much of a choice if I want to get out of this in this lifetime.
Well lady sometimes it's worth swallowing ur pride and let him l
Well lady sometimes it's worth swallowing ur pride and let him lecture all he wants. Let it go in one ear and out the other! ;) Agree with him on everything he says, then put the paper in front of him to sign! ;)
ha ha
Tell him how right he is! How smart he is and so on.... as long as it helps u out, it's only words!
Good Luck my friend,