What can I do?
Date: Fri, 09/21/2007 - 09:49
What can I do?
PLUS loans cannot be transfered into the students name. It will
PLUS loans cannot be transfered into the students name. It will always remain the legal liabiltiy of the parent.
Hi,PLUS Loan consolidation can significantly reduce your monthly
Hi,PLUS Loan consolidation can significantly reduce your monthly payment burden and the lower payment means you'll have more money available to meet other household expenses. so ,this name of the loans must be guardian, not students.
Soaplady is correct; but if you need lower payments on the PLUS
Soaplady is correct; but if you need lower payments on the PLUS your parents can consolidate it which lenghtens the repayment term. By consolidating the PLUS (depending on when it was taken out) you may lower the interest rate from 8.5% to 8.25% - and qualify for additional interest rate discounts. However, the longer term typically means you'll pay more over the life of the loan.