Rehabbing my student loans
Date: Thu, 09/13/2007 - 08:58
Rehabbing my student loans
My question is - since there are multiple individual loans when each semester's check was given a different account number - will all of these statuses change or just the one where it was all lumped together leaving these others saying it is in collections?
Hi. Did you ever do a formal consolidation or has this company a
Hi. Did you ever do a formal consolidation or has this company arranged for everything to be consolidated into one payment?
I did a consolidation through Direct Loans in the past. I thoug
I did a consolidation through Direct Loans in the past. I thought it meant that those individuals would then be listed as one lump sum...but it doesn't look like that happened. At the time, I didn't understand (and maybe I don't now either) so I didn't know to check in on it and see what was going on.
There is a lump sum entry...but the other ones are still there listed in collections as well. I posted this question a few days ago on a different thread & someone said that they will still stay like that even though there is a lump entry...not sure I understand that either since that's the point of having them consolidated. Maybe you can help :)