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Heck with the AG - I just went in to agreement on PIF 11

Date: Wed, 09/12/2007 - 11:18

Submitted by MPEREZ56
on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 11:18

Posts: 253 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 7

Heck with the AG - I just went in to agreement on PIF 11

Ok - so as I have said before I personally feel obligated to pay off the principle borrowed regardless of how long a history I have had with some of these PDL's. ameriloan was my last holdout - I had only made one payment of $180 on a $600 loan when I defaulted. So in my mind I still owe them $420. Last month their automated system tried to deal with me but it wouldn't go down to just the principle. Well I got an email from them about an hour ago offering a one time deal of $420 to close it out. All principle payment no fees. The catch was it had to be in one payment and they needed it by the 1st of October or else they would fire it back to collections for the $960 they were looking for. I nicely countered that I needed at least two pay periods to come up with the money and they agreed! The remaining four have all been overpaid and all have ignored inquiries from the BBB so as far as I'm concerned they are history :wink: :wink:

mperez, I never had a doubt in my mind what you could accomplish. You are amazing. You are a fighter. And everyone on this board should look up to you. I swear to you, I still remember the first day you posted.....


Submitted by cannr on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 17:37

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Aw Cannr - you have me blushing! :oops: I'm a Taurus and stubborn is my middle name. It's been a very hard lesson to learn but learn it I have. I am just so thankful that I found this site and the wonderful support system that resides here. Now that the dust is settling I will try and figure out how to use my blog so I can share the details of my journey. Who know's maybe the AG will come up with something now that I have completed all the leg work and we will give these PDL's what they have coming!


Submitted by MPEREZ56 on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 18:14

( Posts: 253 | Credits: )