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Amazing Facts about Human Body - God's unique piece of art

Date: Fri, 09/02/2005 - 16:17

Submitted by roxette
on Fri, 09/02/2005 - 16:17

Posts: 4009 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 45

Amazing Facts about Human Body - God's unique piece of art

Hi all

Let us all chill out for some time by knowing the amazing facts about our body. It's surprising

  • Do you know that in just one square inch of skin in our body, there are around four yards of nerve fibers one thousand three hundred nerve cells, hundred sweat glands, three million cells, and three yards of blood vessels?

  • Do you know that except for the brain cells, 50,000,000 of the cells in our body die by the time you will complete reading just this single sentence and still amazing, another 50,000,000 cells will have replaced the dead ones?

  • Do you know that an adult heart beats about 40,000,000 times in a year?

  • Scientists have termed liver as the body's chemical factory. It performs more than 500 functions.

  • Do you know that the central nervous system is connected to every part of our body? 43 pairs of nerves are engaged in the whole process out of which 12 pairs of nerves go to and from the brain and the rest 31 pairs go from the spinal cord. Here's the kicker - Our whole body has nerves covering a total distance of approximately 45 miles.

  • Messages from the brain to the body travel through nerves at a speed up to 248 mile per hour.

Isn't our body a wonderful and powerful machine? We thank God for creating such an outstanding masterpiece. It is very necessary to take good care of our body so that each and every part like the organs, glands, muscles, and tissues function properly.

The electrical system i.e. the nervous system, acupressure meridian and other energetic systems carry energy smoothly and efficiently to all the areas in our body. It does not even cause a short-circuit.

Thanks to God for giving us this life.


Hi Roxette,

I had no knowledge that my body is so complicated.

After reading all these details I am feeling afraid to even move around or to run in-house fearing I might break some of the circuits .

I am also amazed as to how such a complicated machine , so rarely breaks down and most of the times recovers on its own.

I am proud to have the privilege of being born as a human being and be the most superior animal on earth.

Thanks Roxette for helping me to re-establish my faith on myself and on my God.



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/02/2005 - 17:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes, what you have said is very true.we should be proud of ourselves that we are human beings.You have provided good information which was unknown to me. It is very surprising to know such kind of information.Good work.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/02/2005 - 17:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thanks Roxette,
It reveals that our body is the most complicated machine ever created.
The relationships you cited are simple yet so valuable.
Like any other machine our body needs regular maintenance failing which may pose permanent trouble.
So, among other things in life, paying care to our body is very much required to keep possession of this valuable machine with pride.



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/02/2005 - 17:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey Guys..

Roxette supplied such astonishing information about our body.

On the second point i'd like to say don't go on reading and reading as old cells is replaced by the new cells.

But i'd say we all should take care of our health how much critical our body machine is?



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/02/2005 - 17:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi Roxette,

Great collection of facts. Quite amazing facts indeed.

Are you a medical practitioner by any chance?
Keep posting such interesting facts and figures so that people come and chill out in the Pubs section.

God bless you.



Submitted by Mike on Sat, 09/03/2005 - 01:42

( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )


Those are really interesting facts that you've collected, which makes me want to take better care of my body, especially as I am creeping up in age!

Jessi, that picture you have of Jeff in his tutu, was that the blue one or the pink one? I've got both. Actually, I think the pink is a better color on him. What do you think?


Submitted by dbaker6 on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 10:21

( Posts: 1600 | Credits: )

I did get an incredible review from critic Marlene Francis who said I had "a grace and flow unseen in the ballet world to this point. Seeing him dance reminds me of a swan running the Kentucky Derby after a week of heavy rains while wearing flippers."

I'll never forget those 27 and a half performances.


Submitted by jedijeff13 on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 13:04

( Posts: 1734 | Credits: )