Happy Days Are here Again
Date: Tue, 09/11/2007 - 05:56
Happy Days Are here Again
To all of you I am so thankful. You people have literally saved my life and restored me to sanity.
I can never thank you enough.I will forever and ever try my hardest to pass on all I have learned and all I am still learning to anyone who needs my help, in this horrible cycle of PDLS and debt
thanks so much Tweety. It can be done. I know that at times you
thanks so much Tweety. It can be done. I know that at times you have been frustrated, but dont give up. In some cases it takes a bit longer than in other cases, but stick to your guns, and it will happen
Kash - I am so happy for you...I say go have a "frappy-thingie"
Kash - I am so happy for you...I say go have a "frappy-thingie" and a piece of cheesecake and celebrate!!! :lol: Roxy
Congrats! That is awesome! I'm moving this thread to the commu
Congrats! That is awesome! I'm moving this thread to the community success stories forum! :D
Thanks Goudah. Your help has been so valuable to me.
Thanks Goudah. Your help has been so valuable to me.
Congratulations Kash you have worked hard :lol: . ladybug
Congratulations Kash you have worked hard :lol: .
Ummm....kash? I am very happy for you. I am celebrating in my own way. Here is my way - What the hell???? :lol: One Click Cash marked you PIF??? Okay, what in this world have I done to these people? :lol: Actually, I am pleased as punch that they marked you PIF. I'm glad for everyone that gets an MTE d/b/a to mark them PIF, as well they certainly should! You go, girl! And, my hat is off to you. Gee, now they'll have more time to spend on me..... Just kidding! I'm VERY happy for my friend! :D