Two pif today
Date: Thu, 09/06/2007 - 19:20
Two pif today
Oh, happy early Friday!!!
now, I only have a hundred to go...j/k
this is why I'm saying if jendrea07, will email them and trust m
this is why I'm saying if jendrea07, will email them and trust me on the payday one to do the same thing.
Yes I have heard from others they are very easy to work with...a
Yes I have heard from others they are very easy to work with...and have refunded for several others also.
kelly, I had no doubts about your post regarding jen. It's always good to hear from others who have had experience with the same pdl's. That's why I was asking you in that thread if the same would apply for the licensed pdl. Experience is the best knowledge! Thank you! :D
no refund :cry: yes, I got lucky they were pretty easy. one di
no refund :cry: yes, I got lucky they were pretty
easy. one didn't reply for awhile then I got scared
then it finally came. not sure how to get a refund.
cannr - sorry I didn't get that when you asked.
I'm a basket case tonight. so sorry to misunderstand.
I'm not sure, on the legal ones. what I'm told
is they are acting as a brokerage and the can get
away with it. I got yelled at Tuesday on the phone
by one I let default and I said please don't yell at
me or I will hang up and then she threatend to
resend my check back thru again and I said go
ahead. I'm so sick of these letches and I've only
begin to deal with them.
thanks again so much everyone this website has helped so much. I have spent so much time reading and
researching. Hugs to everyone!
Congrats! That is an awesome way to start off a friday! Yay!!!
Congrats! That is an awesome way to start off a friday! Yay!!! :D :D :D