Nothing is Impossible
Date: Thu, 09/06/2007 - 10:59
Nothing is Impossible
Those who are still waiting to see their accounts marked, don't give up. Read the success stories of people out here. You can also do it because nothing is impossible. Just stick to your guns!! :)
You are absolutely right!! So many of us here have fought the w
You are absolutely right!! So many of us here have fought the war and won, I love to see those success stories. I have logged on here many times in the middle of a bad day and been cheered up by these stories..Keep it up! :D
fins, I believe that the bad days don't last for long. They are
fins, I believe that the bad days don't last for long. They are like separating clouds and it has to go away. I am very grateful to Goudah and many others who are helping people in this community having pdl issues. I am sure to have missed a few others whose vast knowledge cannot be measured. Kscornell, fins, cannr, Karen and the people who have recently joined the board, some people treat you like Demigods. It's an honor to have this feeling and you've earned it very nicely. Keep it up! :)
Mike, you are 100 percent right. I came here after my direct dep
Mike, you are 100 percent right. I came here after my direct deposit failed with 6 IPDLs and one storefront now I am down to 1 uncooperative IPDL and am working with the storefront. Even got a refund from one. It was the inspiration of the others whose names you mentioned and many others that motivated me. Now I am happy to help others with similar problems.
Frogpatch, your help is definitely in front of everyone. You kno
Frogpatch, your help is definitely in front of everyone. You know that you are putting your best here and doing the good work. It's a matter of feeling proud when someone values the help that you offered. I know there are many others who are doing the good work.
Mike, Thank you for all that you do.I came onto this site with 7
Mike, Thank you for all that you do.I came onto this site with 7 PDLS and have received PIF on three. By far the best lesson I have learned is not to be afraid , and to fight back against these companies as far as the law allows
I have seen changes in the motivation of several states that are
I have seen changes in the motivation of several states that are a direct result of this site and its members. I have also seen a change of tune in several IPDLs after repeated inqiries against them from various agencies also as a direct result of this forum. We are making a difference in those areas too which is also rewarding!
Yes Frog , we are making a difference. Again every thing that I
Yes Frog , we are making a difference. Again every thing that I have accomplished I owe to this site and people like you who have always been there to answer questions and give support. We have a wonderful family here, and my hope is thatwe keep growing , both in strength and in members
Thanks. You have quickly become a valuable asset to this communi
Thanks. You have quickly become a valuable asset to this community Kashzan!
Just now, I saw Sass on the board. I want to say thanks to her a
Just now, I saw Sass on the board. I want to say thanks to her also for her contribution on this board.
Sassnlucy, are you there, how are you, I have been worried about
Sassnlucy, are you there, how are you, I have been worried about you. Please let me know how u r.
Sass is good, she has just been really busy with work and school
Sass is good, she has just been really busy with work and school. But she is alive and well and misses everyone here!
Thank you Mike for your kind words! It's so great to see everyone working together and learning from each other!
I'm also very happy to see some of the newer members sticking around and using their experience to help others! It's great to see the community grow! :D
I agree, Mike! It is so nice to see people who were without hope
I agree, Mike! It is so nice to see people who were without hope, finally getting some relief!!
This shows what a help this Forum has been to others, including me!
I, too, am glad to see alot of the newer members stick around to help others-we are growing daily!!
If you are new, can't sleep, can't eat, and are living in fear like I was- there is help--and hope!!
With a little hard work, and time, you can get out of that prison that debt creates.
Thank-you to you Mike and Polly, and all the others who make this possible!!..KAren :D
and hey, if you can't sleep, come here and post! LOL (that's
and hey, if you can't sleep, come here and post! LOL
(that's what most of us do on sleepless nights, though we are happy to say that our sleepless nights are no longer due to PDL worries!) :D
Thanks guys for all your help. Each of you who are posting in th
Thanks guys for all your help. Each of you who are posting in this thread should feel great. You all are doing a good job towards this community and keeping everyone as a family. It's a collective effort and everyone should take the pride.
SueBee is right- I stay up late at nights, not because of the pd
SueBee is right- I stay up late at nights, not because of the pdls now!!
I know when I was new- I was on this forum into the wee hours, and thank God, someone was here to answer me and assure me.
I am proud of the members and the way this Forum is conducted- there is alot of support and help here, and I want to thank all of you for being there for me too!!..KAren :D
Thanks, Mike! :D It's you who should be thanked. If it wasn't for this site, a lot of us wouldn't have gotten the help needed & now we're able to help others. Remember, I had 12 internet pdl's and 5 store fronts when I first came here! It literally saved my life. And, if I can help anyone else feel the same way, I'm going to do it. There are many (mperez) that are such success stories that they should be made into a movie! Thank YOU, Mike! :D
Cann, I am sorry of replying this so late. You know I am a busy
Cann, I am sorry of replying this so late. You know I am a busy man :lol: Anyways, its you people who are doing the real job. We are just providing the platform so that you guys can talk with each other and share your experiences. I know how hard it is when someone is having a problem and not able to share with anyone. I wish that the good purpose of this board stays like this with everyone's support.
You are so right Mike!! And I see such support and help from the
You are so right Mike!! And I see such support and help from the members here! This board has once again become like the board was when I joined- all working together for one purpose-support and help!!
When I came here, I was living in a prison of debt, with seemingly no way out.
The memebers here welcomed me and helped educate me in the knowledge of debt and consumers rights.
I am now free of debt, with the exception of one Collection Agency I CANNOT get rid of -yet!!
I would not be where I am, a year and a half later, without the support, help and knowledge I have gained here.
If you are new- don't give up before your miracle happens..Karen :D
Karen, you touched my heart with the lovely comments. And many n
Karen, you touched my heart with the lovely comments. And many new people here will feel encouraged after reading your lines. I thank you and the regular members for providing such a strong support system. This place would not have been the same like it stands today, without you. Trust me!! And I say it once again.... "Nothing is Impossible"
Thank you Mike- you are a sweetie!! And so right- nothing IS imp
Thank you Mike- you are a sweetie!! And so right- nothing IS impossible..KAren :D
I agree with everything everyone has already said. I remember wh
I agree with everything everyone has already said. I remember when I came here with so many pdl's I wanted to die. But now after having 10 internet and 10 storefront pdl's and 2 loans that family members gave us to pay off the payday loans :oops: I now only have 1 storefront and paid off most of the internet ones and the ones I still have left can bite me because my state is dealing with them and the family members are also paid off. I do still have 2 store front's that went to a CA but I got them to take $50 a month :D But I would never be where I am today if it wasn't for this place.
I found this place when united pay scared the crap outta me with their threats. Well after a couple of hours reading I found out that they couldn't do that. And thats when I started standing up to them and thats when they started to back off. Everyone here is so wonderful and are so willing to put every effort to try and help someone who they don't even know. I consider it an honor to be a part of this "family"!!!
So Thanks to everyone for all their effort!!!! And Mike, I still think your the best :) You work so hard to help everyone and get things fixed in a hurry. You are a very busy man. I just love this place and everyone here!!!!