Small victory....
Date: Fri, 08/24/2007 - 09:15
Small victory....
Us Little People: 1/2
Isn't it a nice feeling? Well, your hard work definitely paid we
Isn't it a nice feeling? Well, your hard work definitely paid well. Make sure that your bank doesn't allow the debits from any of the loan places. Just to be on the safe side, put a block on each of the companies with your bank. You will not have any unauthorized debits on your account.
Received an email from the BBB regarding some of my PDL's. Well
Received an email from the BBB regarding some of my PDL's. Well, one specifically, World Wide Cash. I should be receiving something within 5 business days...we'll see. PIF??? REFUND??? As for AIP, nothing YET, and GFS/GFSIL...well, that' a whole new thread! HAAHHAH!! Still sending them emails and letters. They still want MORE money from me to close out the account...hhmmmm... N O !!!! Keep ya posted!
Good Luck!! It feels good to get some relief, doesn't it!! Keep
Good Luck!! It feels good to get some relief, doesn't it!! Keep up and don't give up!!..Karen :D
Good job and good luck! I hope you get pifs and/or refunds from
Good job and good luck! I hope you get pifs and/or refunds from all of them.
AIP? Did you file a complaint with the BBB against them? They
AIP? Did you file a complaint with the BBB against them? They will usually fold right away when they see the BBB complaint.
I agree with the AIP statement. You actually will find if you file with the BBB and then contact them and explain that you have you get the money faster. They deposited the money in my account 2 days after I filed with the BBB and explained to them my complaint. $1,000 refund.
Great job! Every small victory is a big thing! YAY!
Great job! Every small victory is a big thing! YAY!