YeePee!!! 2 down 5 to go
Date: Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:06
YeePee!!! 2 down 5 to go
well, I've been an email and faxin' fool !! I sent emails to the one's that I could and faxed all of my payday loans yesterday, telling them that I closed my checking account and filed a complaint with the AG of Florida. I have already heard from PayDay Select, they are "sad that I am not happy with their services and I can consider my loan paid in full" ( hehehehe)
and they other one, VC finance, reduced the amount down to less than I borrowed and gave me till the end of September to pay them off.
I cannot believe it ! I am sooooooooooo glad that I listened to you guy's. cannr, you were the first to knock some sense into my head and to start fighting back. Thank you so, so much. I hope you read this.
and they other one, VC finance, reduced the amount down to less than I borrowed and gave me till the end of September to pay them off.
I cannot believe it ! I am sooooooooooo glad that I listened to you guy's. cannr, you were the first to knock some sense into my head and to start fighting back. Thank you so, so much. I hope you read this.
Congratulation!!!! That is terrific, now it will be so much easi
Congratulation!!!! That is terrific, now it will be so much easier~ :D
Well that is wonderful. Keep up the good work, make sure that yo
Well that is wonderful. Keep up the good work, make sure that you get this in writing as you don't want them to come back on you at another date and say you owe them anymore $.