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Emerald Marketing Group - are we done yet?

Date: Mon, 08/20/2007 - 16:13

Submitted by rainjo03
on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 16:13

Posts: 46 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 25

Emerald Marketing Group - are we done yet?

Below is a copy of the settlement letter I received today from Emerald Marketing Group as a result of complaints I'd filed with the BBB and State Attorney General's office.

Dear (name withheld for privacy):

This law firm has been retained to represent Emerald Marketing Group with regard to the complaints that you have filed regarding your loan with the company. In reviewing your e-mail communications with the company, it appears that you are making a claim against Emerald Marketing in the amount of $877.00.

Although I have not reviewed the transaction documents, Emerald Marketing advises that the transaction documents for your loan contain a choice of law provision that stipulates that the transaction is subject to Nevada law. Accordingly, notwithstanding the fact that you reside in North Carolina, it is Emerald Marketing’s position that this transaction is subject to the laws of the state of Nevada.

Nevertheless, considering the small amount of money which you are claiming, I believe it will be most cost effective for everyone involved to resolve this dispute at the present time. Accordingly, Emerald Marketing will agree to pay to you the sum of $877.00 if you will agree to execute a confidential general release of all claims against Emerald Marketing, including dismissal of the complaints that you have filed with the State of North Carolina and the State Better Business Bureau. If this is agreeable, please let me know immediately and I will have a release sent to you. Once you have signed the Release and sent it back to me, I will have the company mail you a check.

Please let me know your position at your earliest convenience.

Very truly yours,
Dictated but not proofread.
Sent in Mr. Mullen’s absence to avoid delay.

Following is my response to their letter:

[quote]I have read the attached correspondence from John Mullen of FSM Law Firm. In the letter he claims that...
"Emerald Marketing advises that the transaction documents for your loan contain a choice of law provision that stipulates that the transaction is subject to Nevada law. Accordingly, notwithstanding the fact that you reside in North Carolina, it is Emerald Marketing's position that this transaction is subject to the laws of the state of Nevada."

Per the State Attorney General's office, it is a fact that regardless of where you are located, according to NC law Emerald Marketing is not authorized to operate in the state of NC.

However, it is my desire to resolve this dispute amicably and quickly. John Mullen also presented:
"Emerald Marketing will agree to pay you the sum of $877.00 if you will agree to execute a confidential general release of all claims against Emerald Marketing, including dismissal of the complaints that you have filed with the State of North Carolina and the State Better Business Bureau."

I hereby accept the above offer, contingent upon the following: no complaints will be released until a payment in the full amount of $877.00 has been received along with a letter clearly stating that my account has been PAID IN FULL. Upon receipt of payment and the paid-in-full letter, I shall then execute a confidential general release of all claims against Emerald Marketing, including dismissal of the complaints that I've filed with the State of NC and the BBB.

Please let me know your position at your earliest convenience.


(name withheld for privacy)[/quote]

It's really starting to heat up now :)

rain, OMG! You go! :shock: You are awesome! Excellent response. Good action. This is great! This, to me, is a "sucess story"! Good for you! :D


Submitted by cannr on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 16:17

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Thanks cannr!! I have received a few Paid-In-Full statuses before, but none of the PDLs have offered to refund the amount that I requested. This is certainly a success story!

I'm so glad this online debt community gave me (and continues to give) the know how and courage to stand up to these PDL bullies. I hope this post encourages everyone who reads it. When fighting these crooks, it's important to remember that miracles happen everyday and YES YOU CAN GET OUT FROM UNDER THIS PDL MESS!!


Submitted by rainjo03 on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 16:28

( Posts: 46 | Credits: )

AMEN, rain! You are awesome! And this site is awesome! Hell, we're all awesome! :lol:


Submitted by cannr on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 16:44

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

rain, sometimes some pld's act quickly and it's "yahoo" time! But others take their sweet time or fight the whole way down. In the beginning, I was getting PIF's and refunds. I was dealing with the "easy" ones first. Then I started on the "hard" ones. Guess what? We're STILL going around and around! LOL! :lol:


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 08:23

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

You're absolutely right cannr. Actually, there are only 3 PDLs that I even care about getting a refund from (totaling nearly $2400), though ALL of them owe me one. That money could certainly come in handy...but I'm not holding my breath. I just consider it a HUGE bonus if I get money back at all. I have a long fight ahead of me, I'm sure.

How's your fight going cannr? Have you settled with nearly everyone?


Submitted by rainjo03 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 08:41

( Posts: 46 | Credits: )

It's going okay. It's a hell of a lot better than when I started! LOL! But, that wouldn't take much! I've still got my 3 MTE's that I refuse to settle with. I've still got 2 overseas illegal ones (which basically just don't exsit). Eastside Lenders has disappeared since I asked them their license number they are operating under and turned them over to the state AG. Cash Borrower has disappeared since being turned over to the state AG. But, I'm waiting. They wait and jump back up. Just like USFastCash. Nothing for over two months, then there they are at my bank again! When they get quiet is when I start to get antsy. I know something's up.


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 09:15

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Way to go Rain!!!! I wish i could have gotten refunds from mine. But the only ones I overpaid were the storefronts not the internet. But way to go and keep up the fight!!!

I like how you stated

Here's to taking our lives back!!

It's sad how they run our lives when we get stuck in the pdl cycle. That should be our motto, taking our lives back!!! Because that is what we are doing.
Great job!!!!


Submitted by puddlejmpr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 09:30

( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

Keep holding out cannr...don't give in until you reach an agreement you feel comfortable with.

Personally, I bug the hell out of each of my PDLs daily. I don't want them to think that for one second I'm going to let them off the hook. It is my mission to try and replicate some of the annoyance they've put me through and I take great joy in it.


Submitted by rainjo03 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 09:40

( Posts: 46 | Credits: )

Oh, believe me, rain. I love to harrass my pdl's. For awhile it was on a daily basis. I've slacked up some, but now that USFastCash has pulled a "fast one", I'm ready to go again! Jerks.


Submitted by cannr on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 09:46

( Posts: 9317 | Credits: )

Please help me, it looks like you have dealt with these horrible individuals. This is in regards to Emerald Marketing Group. I got an online payday loan back in July 07. The check ended up bouncing months later and then in January, I got a call from a woman demanding payment. At the time I owed $350.00 on a $200.00 loan. She offered to do a settlement with me of $150. That same day I did a MoneyGram and sent the money. A few days later I rcvd an email confirming reciept of the payment and a settlement letter, advising me that I was released from all responsibility with the settlement. Then back in early March I rcvd a call from the same woman, saying that she had garnishment paperwork for me on her desk. I refreshed her memory that I paid this off and she told me not to worry about it, and that she would take care of it. Then last night I rcvd an email stating that I was refusing to cooperate and that I NOW OWE $401.67. I responded back and then called. She is now telling me that the settlement was only to cover the loan not the NSF fees and that 28% interest is being added every day to the amount owed. If this was the case, why didnt I hear about this before? I asked her to send me something in writing (which they have never done - apparently they only do business via email and fax)and she said that she doesnt have to do that. I am so freaked out and angry. She is threatening to garnish my wages and take money out of my accounts. What do I do? I just want this to be over and I feel like they are just trying to get more money out of me. Please help me. I am so lost.


Submitted by michellebdavis on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 12:29

( Posts: | Credits: )

The same thing has happened to me and they are still taking money out of my account but I have never received a confirmation confirming receipt of anything and no loan documents or anything has been sent to me either. What should I do?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 07:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This company deserves the notoriety. I, too, got stuck in the PDL scam. Does anybody have any recourse?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 10:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Does anyone have an address for the good people of Emerald Marketing??


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 13:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Emerald Marketing group has threatened me about garnishing my wages...I am very scared that they will do this..I am not sure if they are legal in the stane of New York...I am willing to pay the $300 that i borrowed along with their $90 finance fee, but a Stephanie Meyers in the collections department is giving me a hard time and wants me to pay $585 because of returned check fees. What to do? My account is already in default status and I only have $390 which is the original loan amount including finance fee.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/16/2010 - 13:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Emerald Marketing group has threatened me about garnishing my wages...I am very scared that they will do this..I am not sure if they are legal in the stane of New York...I am willing to pay the $300 that i borrowed along with their $90 finance fee, but a Stephanie Meyers in the collections department is giving me a hard time and wants me to pay $585 because of returned check fees. What to do? My account is already in default status and I only have $390 which is the original loan amount including finance fee.

well,all pdl's are illegal in you only owe the princple borrowed.anything in fees debited goes toward that.being as this illegal bunch is not even located in this country i doubt they can get a garnishment.they are reffering to a WAGE ASSIGNMENT.those are revocable.get a wage assignment revocation letter to your HR or payroll person.then they can't do a thing.again illegal pdl not in this country get the letter to your payroll.also file AG,and FTC complaints asap against this bottomfeeder pdl.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 02/16/2010 - 13:45

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

i have a question...i applied for a loan with emerald back on july 12 2010. the loan was for 200 with a 60 dollar fee. i paid the 60 dollar fee one time and my account was closed and reopened with a new one due to previous fraud activity on my account. they keep calling me and leaving me messages that they are in the finalization department and have an order ready to be filed in my county. the thing is i just went through my loan docs that they sent me when i got the loan and i do not see a voluntary wage assignment order. so if i do not have one, can they still garnish my wages? i have prepared a wage assignment revocation letter but do not want to send it yet until i find out if i signed a voluntary wage assignment order to begin!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2010 - 10:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )